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In the old times flour was heaped in the barrels and patted down with wooden shovels: then, when full, a cloth was laid over the top, and the fattest journeyman on the premises clambered up to a seat on the heap, to "cheese it down" and imprint his callipyge upon it.

The day of the sports arrived, and the Babe, meeting Charteris at Merevale's gate, made a last attempt to head him off from his purpose. 'How are you going to take your things? he asked. 'You can't carry a bag. The first beak you met would ask questions. If he had hoped that this would be a crushing argument, he was disappointed. Charteris patted a bloated coat pocket.

Give me a kiss now." Of course Emily kissed her; and after that Mrs. Fletcher patted her and petted her, and gave her lozenges, which she declared in private to be "the sovereignest thing on earth" for debilitated nerves. And then it came out by degrees that John Fletcher and his wife and all the little Fletchers were coming to Wharton for the Christmas weeks.

She took the wrinkled little old hand and patted it; then they sat still and silent, hand in hand, waiting for the maids' return. What was there for these women to make such a fuss about? Cannot a girl be allowed to sit out perhaps a dance, or a whole cotillon even, without the world coming to an end? What made them all three fret, and fuss, and fear?

"If you knew me better you'd know that I ain't that sort of a fellow. When I say a thing I mean it." His hand lay outstretched; she poured rivulets of white sand between the fingers. They watched the little mounds of sand which she patted into shape. "I'll bet you're a New York girl." "Why?" "I can tell them every time style and all." "I'll bet you're a New York fellow, too."

I wot this mummery of the White Wolf will serve you for some time." I was proceeding to tell him all that had passed, but he patted me on the shoulder. "I heard it all, lad, and you did well enough save for your windiness about liberty and the Free Cities which, as I see it, are by far the worst tyrannies.

Jones' remarks were lost, drowned by others, by questions, exclamations, the drivel that amazement creates. "But, I say " "Tell me this " "No evidence!" "The stiletto his!" "How did Lennox get it?" "Then what about " Dunwoodie, fastening on Jones, roared at him. "You tell me the instrument is yours?" Jones patted his chin. "I did not, but I will." "How do you know, sir?"

He did not know that he was a very good-looking young man, but perhaps the Little Doctor did. She smiled and came up and patted Silver, who had forgotten that he ever had objected to her nearness. He nickered a soft welcome and laid his nose on her shoulder. "You've been drawing a picture. Who's the victim of your satirical pencil this time?"

My clever Prue spent hours on my hair, with the little Lafitte for the finishing touches. My father was waiting below, and his eyes shone with joy when he saw me; for he was proud, very proud of his only daughter. "'The King patted my cheek and said such pretty things, and kissed me. Little did I know what was to follow! Child, beware of Princes and princely favor, for therein lies destruction!

They two were standing on the piazza and the others a little way off on the grass; but Sylvia was not homesick, she was whispering to her cousin: "I'm staying for a reason, Thinkright!" she said. "I've had an idea. I believe it's a good one." He patted her shoulder. "That's right, that's right." He gestured toward the rolling expanse about them.