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And thus carolling, they passed through the garden moving meadow- wards, Walden at the head of the procession, and Baby Hippolyta seated on his shoulder, was so elated with the gladsome sights and sounds, that she clasped her chubby arms round 'Passon's' neck and kissed him with a fervour that was as fresh and delightful as it was irresistibly comic.

A lick now an again ud do him noa harm a cantankerous yoong rascot pert an proud, like t' passon's pig, I say. David could hear the talk to be as though it were actually beside him. It burnt into his ear. He groped his way through the lane and on to the moor trembling with physical exhaustion, the morbid frenzy within him choking his breath, the storm beating in his face.

Kat-ie! Passon's here, and you'm to fetch Philip and come up to wance." More feet sounded on the stairs, clattering hobnails among them, and Annie returned, accompanied by Katie Cotton, the dairymaid, and her sweetheart, Philip Jacka. Philip was a lithe, restless youth, with curly hair that caught the light and bright, glinting eyes.

Bob rose from beside the chair where he had flung himself on his knees when Walden had entered his mother's cottage, and rubbed his knuckles hard into his eyes with a long and dismal sniff. "I'll try, sir!" he said chokingly, and then suddenly seizing 'Passon's' hand, he kissed it with boyish fervour, caught up his cap and ran out.

Phoebe Lenine, being a woman of some eight years old, shook the remains of the corn off her small blue lap with no signs of haste or discomposure, and, turning her back, called to a hidden corner of the yard. "Faëther! Faëther! Passon's come to see you!" "How d'you know I haven't called to see you, Miss Phoebe?" asked Boase, stepping into the passage.

"For," said she, "when Miss Maryllia first come 'ome she 'adn't an idee o' goin' to hear Passon Walden, an' sez I 'do-ee go an' hear 'im, an' she sez 'No, Spruce, I cannot, I don't believe in it' an' I sez to myself, 'never mind, the Lord 'e knows 'is own, which He do, but 'ard as are His ways I never did think He'd a' brought her to be Passon's wife, that do beat me, though it's just what it should be, an' if the Lord don't know what should be why then no one don't, an' that 'minds me o' when I sent for Passon to see me unpack Miss Maryllia's boxes, he was that careful he made me pick up a pair o' pink shoes what 'ad fell on the floor 'Take care o' them, he sez Lor! now I come to think of it, he was mortal struck over them pink shoes!"

'Why, you see, Master Lancelot, as how this is what they calls a lay rectory, as goes like a landed estate from father to son, without there being any call for 'em to be clergy; and the Vicar, he is just put in to do Passon's work, only he gets his situation for life, like I do, not like them curates.

He was not so dense and shy as the children of the hamlet near us, and Emily extracted from him that Miss Ellen was 'Our passon's young lady. 'Mr. Mears'! she exclaimed. 'No: ourn be Passon Fordy.