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'When will the next great earthquake be? The noise of the party in the cabinet particulier had been growing apace with the reinforcement of champagne-bottles. The strident laughter of the women dominated the lower level of men's voices, and there was a constant clinking of glasses, punctuated by the occasional drawing of a cork, which always whipped the gaiety to a feverish pitch.

I gather that it has something to do with chicken. 'It's rather artful of Monsieur Beauchamp to word it so we poor English can get that much, isn't it? 'Yes. He apparently acts on the principle that a little learning is a common thing. As Selwyn gave the necessary order to the waiter, a noisy hubbub of laughter from an adjoining cabinet particulier almost drowned his words.

His thoughts were now engaged with a certain hotel particulier in the neighbourhood of La Muette and, in his preoccupation, he would need only the name of a destination and the sound of the cab-door slammed, to send him off like a shot. Then he heard one of the men cough heavily, and in a twinkling stiffened to rigidity in his seat.

"O'Connor, though he had long tried to have an audience of Bonaparte, never saw him till the 20th of May , when he was presented to him at the levee by Marshal Augereau. The Emperor and the Empress complimented him on his dress and military appearance, and Bonaparte said to him Venez me voir en particulier demain matin. O'Connor went and was alone with him near two hours.

La seule action méritoire de sa vie, disait M. Goldwin Smith du duc d'York, c'est de l'avoir une fois risquée en duel.... C'était maigre, pour un prince du sang, et pour un simple particulier aussi bien. Car il ne la perdit point. La délicatesse est très médiocre.

I learn, then, from your letter of the 10th, that you have been a little lazy. To be sure, if that letter was written for publication, it would do credit to the author; but to me, en particulier, other reflections might have occurred. The story, however, is prettily told, and I kiss your hand for some other pretty things. But let me see more of the effects of those precepts and that example.

To continue in the language of the original: "C'est dire qu'il y a eu, pour l'ensemble du monde organique, une periode de formation ou tout etait changeant et mobile, une phase analogue a la vie embryonnaire et a la jeunesse de chaque etre particulier; et qu'a cet age de mobilite et de croissance a succede une periode de stabilite, au moins relative, une sorte d'age adulte, ou la force evolutive, ayant acheve son oeuvre, n'est plus occupee qu'a la maintenir, sans pouvoir produire d'organismes nouveaux.

On a donne a chaque particulier des etoffes pour l'habiller, des grains pour se nourrir pendant l'espace d'une annee, des ustensiles pour le menage et d'autres choses necessaires: et outre cela plusieurs onces d'argent, pour se pourvoir de ce qu'on aurait pu oublier.

He crammed the sheets into his bureau-drawer, drew on his gloves, selected a stick to his taste, gave himself a last look in the glass, and sauntered out to dinner. He had discovered a French restaurant within a kilometre of the house, where he could dine a prix fixe in a cabinet particulier for five francs, including a demi-bouteille of ordinaire. "That's something like," he declared.

And then they were at the door of the cabinet particulier. De Morbihan rapped, turned the knob, and stood aside, bowing politely.