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'That's just why I am happy with you, Masha interrupted him impulsively: 'because you are a gentle, good-hearted person, because you are incapable... parceque vous avez de la delicatesse. One can say that to you: you understand French. Kister did understand French, but he did not in the least understand Masha.

While Mme de La Fayette was gaining the plaudits of the urbane world for the délicatesse of "La Princesse de Clèves" and the eccentric Duchess of Newcastle was employing her genius upon the fantastic, philosophical "Description of a New World, called the Blazing World" , women of another stamp were beginning to write fiction.

"Il a de la delicatesse," said Madame de Frontignac, who had been watching this scene with bright, amused eyes, while a chorus of loud acclamations, in which Miss Prissy's voice took the lead, conveyed to the innocent-minded Doctor the idea, that in some mysterious way he had distinguished himself in the eyes of his feminine friends; whereat he retired to his study slightly marvelling, but on the whole well pleased, as men generally are when they do better than they expect; and Miss Prissy, turning out all profaner persons from the apartment, held a solemn consultation, to which only Mary, Mrs.

La seule action méritoire de sa vie, disait M. Goldwin Smith du duc d'York, c'est de l'avoir une fois risquée en duel.... C'était maigre, pour un prince du sang, et pour un simple particulier aussi bien. Car il ne la perdit point. La délicatesse est très médiocre.

All which required abundance of finesse and delicatesse to manage with advantage, as well as a strict observance after times and fashions. I have with much pains and reading collected out of ancient authors this short summary of a body of philosophy and divinity which seems to have been composed by a vein and race of thinking very different from any other systems, either ancient or modern.

'Be so good as to go. I'm ashamed of you. 'Oh, to be sure, delicatesse!... Ah, Marya Sergievna, I don't know French! growled Avdey, as he put on his cap. 'Till we meet again, Fyodor Fedoritch! He bowed and walked out. Kister paced several times up and down the room. His face burned, his breast heaved violently.

True, the full man wisely gathers, culls, absorbs; but if, engaged disproportionately in that, he slights or overlays the precious idiocrasy and special nativity and intention that he is, the man's self, the main thing, is a failure, however wide his general cultivation. Thus, in our times, refinement and delicatesse are not only attended to sufficiently, but threaten to eat us up, like a cancer.

In two short "novels" appended to "Cleomelia: or, the Generous Mistress" the robust animalism of the Italian tales comes in sharp contrast with the délicatesse of the French tradition. "The Lucky Rape: or, Fate the best Disposer" illustrates the spirit of the novelle. Emilia, rusticated to Andalusia to escape falling in love, gives her heart to Berinthus, whom she meets at a masquerade.

'I have acted thoughtlessly, said Masha.... 'I yielded to your request, relying upon your delicatesse... but you don't know French... on your courtesy, I mean.... Avdey turned pale. Masha had stung him to the quick. 'I don't know French... may be; but I know... I know very well that you have been amusing yourself at my expense. 'Not at all, Avdey Ivanovitch... indeed, I'm very sorry...

"Ce qui rendit les moeurs des familles Chrétiennes si graves, ce qui les conserva si chastes, c'est ce qui a toujours exercé sur les moeurs en général l'influence la plus profonde, l'exemple des femmes. Douées d'une delicatesse d'organes, qui rend, pour ainsi dire, leur intelligence plus accessible