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"Send a page-boy round the hotel," I told the hall-porter, "to inquire if Mr. Delora is in any of the rooms. If I might make the suggestion," I continued, turning towards her, "I would go upstairs at once. You may find, after all, that Mr. Dean has made a mistake, and that your uncle is there." "Why, yes!" she declared, jumping up. "I will go at once. Do you mind will you come with me?"

He was too restless to work and at one o'clock he handed his papers to a colleague and slunk into the street. His foot-steps were turned towards the Thespian Club; but he could not pass the hall-porter without looking for a note, as on the night when he dined in his triumph with Lord Ettrick; he could not see a page-boy without expecting to find that Barbara had telephoned to him. . . .

George did not know what Albert's duties as a page-boy were, but they seemed to be of a nature that gave him plenty of leisure and freedom; and a friendly resident of the castle with leisure and freedom was just what he needed. "That's very good of you," he said, twisting his reluctant features into a fairly benevolent smile. "I can 'elp!" persisted Albert. "Got a cigaroot?"

A few moments later the page-boy ushered in a middle-aged, well-dressed, black-bearded man who bowed elegantly when we were introduced. "Now, my dear friend," exclaimed Rivero, when we were all three seated. "Will you please tell Mr. Garfield what you explained to me yesterday." "Certainly. I merely tell you what I know," he replied in very fair English. "It is like this.

"We must do all we can for him," she decided, and in a very short time a messenger, dispatched to the rectory, where a page-boy was kept, had returned with a suit of pantry clothes, and the necessary accessories of shirt, shoes, collar, etc. Clothed, clean, and groomed, the boy lost none of his uncanniness in Van Cheele's eyes, but his aunt found him sweet.

Fowler says we are all to go and live near her. There is a cottage now empty that will just suit us, with a garden and a henhouse, and apple-trees, and everything! and her coachman is going away in the spring, and then she will want father in his place; and there are good families round, where you can get a place in the garden or the stable, or as a page-boy; and there's a good school for me; and mother is laughing and crying by turns, and father does look so happy!"

"I forgot to tell you that the Countess left yesterday after lunch." At the same moment the page-boy, reappearing, touched his cap and placed a note in the Captain's only free hand. "Couldn't deliver it, sir. The Comtesse left early yesterday afternoon." Convicted of imaginary adventure with noble ladies, the Captain made his retreat, muttering, back to the hotel.

In their stiff, crackling dresses of black silk, with jet-bespangled jackets, and little rows of cylindrical grey curls drooping down on either side of their black bonnets, they looked like two old fashion plates which had wandered off into the wrong decade. Half curious and half fearful, they knocked at the door of number three, which was instantly opened by a red-headed page-boy. Yes, Mrs.

The hall porter, who knew her, after calling to a page-boy: "Major Winton sharp, now!" came specially out of his box to offer her a seat and The Times.

"Then it's not the page-boy!" exclaimed Tommy, thankfully. "Perhaps I am 'Scholastic," suggested Pym. "No," said Tommy, after a long study of his face. Pym followed this reasoning, and said touchily, "Many a schoolmaster has a red face." "Not that kind of redness," explained Tommy, without delicacy. "I am 'H and H," said Pym. "You forget you wrote to me as one person," replied Tommy. "So I did.