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You see, he kept all nations o' wild birds an' wild animals down at his house; he'd linnets an' nanpies i' cages, and an ark full o' pricky-back urchins. But he'd niver catched a squirrel; they were ower wick for him, an' he wanted a squirrel more nor owt else i' t' world.

"Aye, she'd be a good nuss if she warn't quite so fond o' mustard," said old Tummus. "It's allus mustard, mustard, stuck about you to pingle and sting if there's owt the matter. I like my mustard on my beef. And that's what you want, Master John some good slices o' beef. They women's never happy wi'out giving you spoon meat."

'All well at the Heights? I inquired of the woman. 'Eea, f'r owt ee knaw! she answered, skurrying away with a pan of hot cinders. I would have asked why Mrs.

"What be't, Maister Ned? what be t' matter with thee? Has owt gone wrong?" Ned walked on without speaking. In his yearning for sympathy, in his intense desire to impart the miserable news to some one who would feel for him, he had come to his friend Bill. He had thought first of going to Mr. Porson.

'I see'd 'em plain enough, tho' they didn't see me I wor keepin' snug agen 't wall it wor a moonlit night, that, he says. 'Well, I says, 'an' what now? 'Why, he says, 'd'yer think I could get owt o' this reward for tellin that theer? So I thowt pretty sharp then, d'ye see, mister. 'I'll tell yer what, mi lad, I says.

Jack said in contempt; "doan't yer see she's a full-bred un; ye moight boite her tail off, and she would care nowt about 't. I've got summat here that may do." He drew out a twisted paper from his pocket. "This is snuff," he said; "if owt will make her loose, this will. Now one o' yer take holt by her collar on each side, and hoult tight, yer know, or she'll pin ye when she leaves go o' the horse.

'There's no letters, mum, she said, seeing Phoebe at the parlour window 'and I doan't think this has owt to do here. She held up a telegram, doubtfully yet with an evident curiosity and excitement in her look. It was addressed to 'Mrs. John Fenwick. The postman had clearly made some remark upon it. Phoebe took it. 'It's all right. Tell him to leave it.

Bess wrung her towel again, and regarded the mountain with manifest impatience and trouble. "Happen it'll coom reet some day," she said. "Reet!" repeated the lad, as if mechanically. "I hadna towd mysen' as owt wur exactly wrong; on'y I conna see things clear. I niwer could, an' th' more I ax mysen' questions th' worse it gets. Wheer wheer could I lay th' blame?" "Th' blame!" said Bess.

Tha'll say it ill becooms mea as war man and boy in Sir Jarge's sarvice for fifty year, to say owt agen him, but I'm here to do it, or they couldn't foolfil their business. Tha wast to ax me questions about Sir Jarge and the Grange, and I wor to answer soa as to make tha think thar was suthing wrong wi' un.

"Aye, an' he'd never ha' been dead at all, wouldn't young Squire, if only his ma had listened to what I telled her!" interrupted a voice behind them. "He'd ha' been alive at this minute, he would, if his ma had done what I said owt to be done now then!"