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Yes, brother, I know it is written that we shall rest from our labours but the beginning of our rest is not yet. We must go and help them in the firing line yonder " "No, no, holy man!" O'Hagan pleaded. "I have had enough.... There is hell over there." "They are calling us, don't you hear them the living and the dead "

Right outside the viceregal lodge, imagine! They're only in the hook and eye department, Myles Crawford said. Psha! Press and the bar! Where have you a man now at the bar like those fellows, like Whiteside, like Isaac Butt, like silvertongued O'Hagan. Eh? Ah, bloody nonsense. Psha! Only in the halfpenny place. His mouth continued to twitch unspeaking in nervous curls of disdain.

True, the suggestion that they lunch together at Eugene's had been his.... But he had forgotten the engagement, if ever he had meant to keep it, if the notion had been more than a whim of the moment with him. And O'Hagan had told her by telephone that Maitland had left his rooms at one o'clock in ample time to meet her at the restaurant....

"When you're through, O'Hagan," he told the Irishman, "you may come and shave me and lay out my things, if you will." "Very good, sor. In wan minute." But O'Hagan's conception of the passage of time was a thought vague: his one minute had lengthened into ten before he appeared to wait upon his employer.

But there was stern stuff in his heart, and exultation, for he knew that in the supreme test of his life, he had thought only of her. "There, everything is understood," said Blizzard; "we are agreed upon the 15th of next January. And you can bring enough men on from the West to do the work?" O'Hagan, thick-set, black, bristling, nodded across the table.

Maitland shook himself into his topcoat, jammed hat upon head, dropped the jewels into one pocket, the cigarette case into another, and on impulse Anisty's revolver, with its two unexploded cartridges, into a third; and pressed the call button for O'Hagan, not waiting, however, for that worthy to climb the stairs, but meeting him in the entry hall.

Again the flood gates were lifted; from the deluge of explanations and protestations Maitland extracted the general drift of narrative. And in the end held up his hand for silence. "I think I understand, now. You say he had changed to my grey suit?" O'Hagan darted into the bedroom, whence he emerged with confirmation of his statement. "'Tis gone, sor, an' ." "All right.

That system worked so satisfactorily through many decades that Lord O'Hagan, the eminent first Roman Catholic Lord Chancellor of Ireland, declared that under it, up till his time, no case whatever of proselytism to any Church had occurred.

Sometimes the old church seemed absolutely still, and the only sound to be heard was the sighing of the night breeze below him in the pines, but sometimes the place seemed full of muffled movements, and once O'Hagan could have sworn that the large carved handle of the door turned. Even as he stood there he heard steps just outside, and with a sudden horror, he saw the heavy door slowly open.

They saw O'Hagan stagger a little and then turn round to where the regiment boiled with joy in the trenches. "You are back, my children," he shouted. "It is well, for my poor soul desires rest.... Aye, rest indeed!" A great peace settled on O'Hagan's face, as he slowly collapsed and lay very still.