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By this, the ebony ladies had cleared the table of the crystal, and had capped it with a yellow leather mattrass, with pillows of the same, both embossed with large tufts of red silk; on this they placed one sheet, and leaving a silver apparatus at the head, they disappeared "Buenos noches, senores las camas estan listas."

If he could once get hold of him, the opposition would collapse like a house of cards. At that precise moment in walked the mad Irishman pat to the Mexican's thought of him. "Buenos noches, excellency. I understand you have been looking for me. I am, senor, yours to command." The big Irishman brought his heels together and gave a mocking military salute.

Now go to sleep again, for you won't have many more nights to rest here. Ha! ha! ha!" The men laughed as he said this, as if they thought it a very good joke; and Pedro and I sat up and rubbed our eyes. "Buenos noches, good night, Senores," he repeated; and to our infinite satisfaction, without approaching the window, he and his assistants retired, and closed the door behind them.

"I killed him on the top of Point o' Rocks after an even break." "Duke has cashed in. Game to the last. Wouldn't say a word to implicate his pals. But Tom has confessed everything. The boys slipped a noose over his head, and he came through right away. "Says he and Duke and Irwin helped Healy rob the Noches Bank and do a lot of other deviltry. It was just like Keller figured.

There was nobody to whom she could talk about it, for Phil and her father were away at Noches. Restless as a caged panther, she twice had her horse brought to the door, and rode into the hills to meet her posse. But she could not be sure which way they would come, and after venturing a short distance she would return for fear they might arrive in her absence.

Buenos noches, Senores." "Good night! Good night!" returned the two white men. There was much conjecturing among the surprised surveyors next morning, when the Chief gave to each man his pay check and placed an old-timer in charge with instructions as to the disposition of the outfit when they should arrive in Rubio City.

BRUNO. Yo diré a usted, las nuestras pasaban sus días y sus noches haciendo calceta ... lo que no pide atención ... y podían pensar entre tanto en el novio y en la casa ... y ... pero las de ahora, como todas leen la Gaceta y saben donde está Pekín, ¿qué sucede? que se les va el tiempo en averiguar lo que no les importa ... y ni cuidan de casarse, ni saben cómo se espuma el puchero.

It was a perfect picture in its way of the indolent luxury of the South, the rich and perfumed flowers, half-closing to the night air, but sighing forth a perfumed buonas noches as they betook themselves to rest; the slender shadows of the tall shrubs, stretching motionless across the walks; the very attitude of the figure himself was in keeping as supported by easy chairs he lounged at full length, raising his head ever and anon as if to watch the wreath of eddying smoke as it rose upwards from his cigar and melted away in the distance.

I have a strong desire to blow a hole through that fellow! Buenas noches, Senor de Mendoza! I am enchanted to have the unexpected honor of meeting you." Senor de Mendoza turned round, disagreeably startled. It is only fair to explain that he had not come hither with any lover-like designs towards Miriam.

Then his finger went back to Noches, and followed the old military road to Fort Lincoln, a route which almost paralleled the one to the ranch. The eyes of Phyllis were already shining with excitement. She divined what was coming. "Is this road still travelled, Jim?" "It goes out to the old fort. Nobody has lived there for most thirty years. I reckon the road ain't travelled much."