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"Right, that will do! You are free to go, now, as soon as you please. Open the door, Milsom, and let him pass," said Jack. "Mil gracias y buenas noches, Senor," exclaimed Panza as he strode toward the door. "One word before I go, caballeros; beware of Senor Alvaros, for he bears no love for either of you." And he passed into the night and the darkness.

The easy-going Cuban shopkeeper paid no particular attention to me, did not even stop rolling the cigarette he was making. After deliberately lighting it, he lazily responded to my "Buenas noches, senor," I saw bread, cakes and ham, and ordered of each; then, seeing some Spanish wine, I took a bottle; also a bottle of pickles.

"My dear Con, I should think not. Putting your eyes out with red-hot irons would be one of the least things that old Madero would do to you. Fatherly old chap, isn't he? But, as you said, Hickey: Don't fool with dynamite!" A few paces more brought the boys to their tent. "Well, good night, or buenas noches, as they say in this benighted land," said Harding, as they reached it.

"You will meet me here to-morrow night again, Anton," said he at parting. "If anything should happen to prevent me coming, then look for me the night after, and the night after that. So buenas noches, amigo!" "Buenos noches, mi amo!" And with this salutation the friends for they were go turned their backs on each other and parted.

BLOOM: Buenas noches, señorita Blanca, que calle es esta? Sraid Mabbot. BLOOM: Haha. Merci. Esperanto. Slan leath. A sackshouldered ragman bars his path. BLOOM: I beg. BLOOM: Keep to the right, right, right. If there is a signpost planted by the Touring Club at Stepaside who procured that public boon?

Then they came and wished them buenos noches in the most polite manner and left them to arrange their blankets on the floor and go to sleep.

" Buenos noches, senor; I'm sure I shall sleep well to-night," she said. It had been the day of Alice Mackenzie' life. Emotions and sensations, surging through her, had trodden on each other's heels. Woman-like, she welcomed the darkness to analyze and classify the turbid chaos of her mind. She had been swept into sympathy with an outlaw, to give him no worse name.

Before the passengers began streaming into the house for dinner she was her competent self, had already cast a supervising eye over Becky the cook and Manuel the waiter, to see that everything was in readiness, and behind the official cage had fallen to arranging the mail that had just come up from Noches on the stage.

If you knew that, perhaps " he hesitated a moment; "but no, no, no!" and after muttering some half-coherent words, among which I could recognise the "Buenos noches, caballero!" the stranger rose up with the same mysterious air that had all along characterised him, and left me.

I go to bed now. You do it too after to eat your Betty cookies." "Hey, Hispanic Betty, why do you have two names?" She laughed. "Because of Santa Gabriela. Como se dice? Nickname- -it's a nickname. Your mother has told you when she comes back?" "I don't know" the glutton said evasively as he devoured a cookie. "Buenos noches." "Buenos noches, Nathaniel."