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The older man was the first to speak. "I regret this!" he said at length. "Not more than I do!" rejoined North, with a fleeting sense of humor. He wondered what it was that had brought Elizabeth's father there. "What's the matter with Moxlow, anyhow?" the general demanded. He glanced sharply into North's face.

He was pantin' like he'd run a mile, and I heard him say in a whisper, 'Oh, my God! just like that, 'Oh, my God!" The handy-man paused with this grotesque mimicry of terror. "And then?" prompted Moxlow, in the breathless silence. "And then he took off up the alley as if all hell was whoopin' after him!"

The gambler coolly puffed at a cigar as he leaned against the casing of the long window at Doctor Taylor's back; there was the faint shadow of a smile on his lips as he watched Langham furtively. "I doubt if North will be found," said the latter. "I doubt if he is in Mount Hope," he continued haltingly. "What?" It was Moxlow who spoke.

"He's had to go to the jail, he was leaving the house as I got here," replied Moxlow. There was the noise of voices in the hail, one of which was the colonel's, evidently raised in protest, then a clumsy hand was heard fumbling with the knob and the door was thrown open, and Joe Montgomery slouched into the room. "Boss, you got to see me now!" he cried.

But Langham made no reply. Weak, pallid, and racked by suffering, he lay back on his pillow. Joe leaned forward over the foot of the bed. "Tell him, boss; it's no odds to you now tell him quick for God's sake, or it will be too late!" he urged in a fearful voice. There was a tense silence while they waited for Langham to speak. Moxlow heard the ticking of the clock on the mantel.

Langham has just told us of," said Moxlow. "But where are the bonds?" he added. "They were not among McBride's papers, that's sure," said the sheriff. "Probably they were taken also, though it's hardly conceivable that the murderer waited to sort over the papers in the safe. I tell you, gentlemen, his position was a ticklish one." It was the coroner who spoke.

I'm a talker, drunk or sober, and Andy Gilmore knows it that's what he's afraid of!" "What have you to tell that could affect Mr. Gilmore? Do you refer to the gambling that is supposed to go on in his rooms? If so, he is at needless pains in the matter; Mr. Moxlow will take up his case as soon as the North trial is out of the way."

"Isn't it true that his money was about gone?" questioned Moxlow significantly. "I know nothing of his private affairs," answered Langham hastily. "He has never seemed to lack money; he has always had it to spend freely." "It would appear that Mr. North is our star witness; what do you think, gentlemen?" and Moxlow glanced from one to another of the little group that surrounded him.

"I am sorry you were subjected to any annoyance in the matter, but it couldn't be helped," said Moxlow. "I'm getting over my temper," replied North. "Fire away with your questions!" The prosecuting attorney glanced at his fellow official. "You are already acquainted with the particulars of the shocking tragedy that has occurred here?" said Taylor with ponderous dignity. "Yes," said North soberly.

"But I am willing to admit I want to see North put where he'll have every inducement to attend strictly to his own business!" It was between nine and ten o'clock when Marshall Langham reached his office. He scarcely had time to remove his hat and overcoat when a policeman entered the room and handed him a note. It was a hasty scrawl from Moxlow who wished him to come at once to the court-house.