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Heretofore, he had been handicapped by operating on a shoestring; but with fifty thousand dollars to put his back against His stenographer announced a caller, and on the instant, Mr. Mix, put on his other personality, and prepared to silver his tongue. The caller, however, came straight to Mr. Mix's desk, and flipped out one sheet from a large portfolio. "Say," he remarked brusquely.

She had looked at him with the same rigid intensity with which his wife looked at a fly in the dining-room. As the door closed behind the last of the committee, the Mayor drew a prodigious breath, and walked over to the window, where for several minutes he remained in deep thought. He tried to remember Mr. Mix's peroration: "Thousands of years ago, Mr.

Mix's salary was comforting, his expense accounts were paid as soon as vouchers were submitted, he was steadily advancing in Miss Starkweather's good books, and he considered himself to be a very clever man indeed.

Mix's pockets was now in other quarters. Luck! The most intangible of assets and the most unescapable of liabilities. On Saturday, Mr. Mix had arrived too late because he had overslept because his alarm-clock had been tinkered by a watchmaker who had inherited a taste for alcohol from a parent who had been ruined by the Chicago fire and almost before he knew it, Mr.

What a customers'-man Henry would have been, if he had entered Mr. Mix's brokerage office! Yes, he was clever, and this present inspiration of his was really brilliant. Mr. Mix could see, clearly, just what Henry had devised.

"And if you wanted to sell out," continued the Judge, with a trifle of asperity, "why on earth didn't you go to Bob Standish? Why didn't you go to an expert? And why didn't you have an audit made of Mix's company why didn't you get a little information why didn't you know what you were buying?

"Easy to do, too." "I can't see it. But if they go up to the Governor, with a petition to investigate and the state law's pretty rough and start impeachment proceedings " The Chief spat contemptuously. "Shucks, give 'em rope." "Well how?" "Why, enforce the damn' law just once. Spike Mix's guns he's only doin' this on a bluff.

And then God save the Commonwealth! But if they ever realized how far that League'll go if it ever gets under way, and what a bunch of hocum Mix's part of it is " He stopped abruptly, and froze in his place; and then, to Anna's amazement, he turned to her with a whoop which could have carried half-way to the Orpheum. "Henry! What on earth is it?" Henry snatched up his hat and made for the door.

Can't be done; the City Attorney's said so, and I saw the Chief of Police was in on it. Get an injunction? You can't do that either, because " "Why can't we?" "Because I've got one already." Mr. Mix's jaw dropped. "What's that? How could you " "Oh, I got Bob Standish just as a citizen tax-payer to apply for a temporary injunction yesterday, to test it out. It's being argued this morning.

Mix's name was frequently listed on committees, yet it never bobbed up in connection with an obscure cause, however worthy, or among the names of unimportant citizens. He was convinced that Mr. Mix had an ulterior motive political, social, financial but the worst of it was that Mr. Mix had come with support which couldn't be sidetracked.