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Once inside, however, he beckoned Jack, and without a word led him alone into MacFarlane's study now almost dismantled for the move to Morfordsburg and closed the door. "Mrs. Minott has just told me the most extraordinary thing, Jack an unbelievable story. Is she quite sane?" Jack scanned Peter's face and read the truth. Corinne had evidently told him everything. This was the severest blow of all.

Garry Minott!" came from all parts of the room. "Bully for Garry! You deserve it, old man! Three cheers for Garry Minott! Hip... Hip...!" Morris's voice now dominated the room. "Come this way, Mr. Minott." The face of the young superintendent, which had been in a broad laugh all the evening, grew white and red by turns. Out of pure astonishment he could neither move nor speak.

Now let me sit down and listen to you," added Peter, whose random talk had been inspired by the look of boyish embarrassment on Jack's face. He had purposely struck many notes in order to see which one would echo in the lad's heart, so that his host might find himself, just as he had done when Jack with generous impulse had sprang from his chair to carry Minott the ring.

"And if I am right, the meeting takes place on Monday next?" continued Jack in a decided tone, not noticing the interruption. "Yes, I suppose so." "Well, then, Monday night, Mr. McGowan, either Mr., Minott or I will be on hand. You must excuse me now. Mrs. Minott wants me, I think," and he handed McGowan the contract and walked toward the door, where he stood listening.

He was wondering what effect the influence of a young man like Minott would have on a young man like Breen. The waiters at this point brought in huge trays holding bowls of tobacco and long white clay pipes, followed by even larger trays bearing coffee in little cups. Morris waited a moment and then rapped for order.

"Nor for anybody else who wants his money and who's got to have it, and I want to tell you, Mr. Minott, right here, and I don't care who hears it, that I want mine or I'll know the reason why." Garry wheeled fiercely and raised his hand as if to strike the speaker, then it dropped to his side. "I don't blame you, Mr. McGowan," he said in a restrained, even voice.

He detested slang and would never understand it. Then again the bearing and air of Jack's friend jarred on him. "You know, of course, the old couplet 'When the wine flows the " "No, I don't know it," interrupted Minott with an impatient glance. "I'm not much on poetry but you can bet your bottom dollar it's flowing all right."

"You remember Mr. Breen, don't you, Holker? He was at your supper that night and sat next to me." Morris whirled quickly and held out his hand, all his graciousness in his manner. "Yes, certainly. You took the ring to Minott, of course. Very glad to meet you again and what did you say his name was, Peter?" This in the same tone of voice quite as if Jack were miles away.

They talked of the tunnel and when it would be finished; and of the village people and whom they liked and whom they didn't and why and of Corinne, whose upturned little nose and superior, dominating airs Ruth thought were too funny for words; and of her recently announced engagement to Garry Minott, who had started for himself in business and already had a commission to build a church at Elm Crest known to all New Jersey as Corklesville until the real-estate agencies took possession of its uplands Jack being instrumental, with Mr.

The fellows blew him off upstairs. Kept it up till the steward shut 'em out. Awfully clever fellow, Minott. My Governor wanted me to do something in architecture, but it takes such a lot of time... Funny how a fellow will dress himself." Biffton's sleepy eyes were sweeping the Avenue. "Pendergast just passed wearing white spats A month too late for spats ought to know better.