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Frank slipped into the blur, again, awakening at last with Two-and-Two shaking his shoulder. "Hey, Frankie we're five hours out, by the chronometers look how small the Earth has got...! We're all gonna have brunch in Ramos' vehicle... Know what that goof ball Mex was doing, before?

If any one jumped him, he could either cross the line into old Mex or strike out for the mountains. Maybe you don't know it, but there's a greaser just across the line they call him Don Vasquez who makes a fat living buying stolen cattle. He's got some old Indian remedy for making hair grow, and he cuts out the old brands, makes hair grow out and then burns in his three crosses."

This spit was studded with forts, which formed the principal defences of Alexandria, although there were several forts, among them Forts Mex and Marabout, on the mainland near the mouths of the harbour. Most of these forts had been erected under the superintendence of French engineers, and were considered capable of defending the town against any naval force that could be brought against it.

But she knew now there was another side to him, a quality that was tigerish, that snarled like a wolf in battle. Why was it that men must be so? Old Dan chuckled. "Ain't he the lad? Stove up to beat all get-out. But I'd give a dollar Mex to see the other man. He's sure a pippin to see this glad mawnin'." Something of what was groping in her mind broke from Ruth into words.

Jane hooked the string round her neck and viewed the result in the mirror. The sunshine, striking the facets, set fire to the beads. They were really lovely. She took a sudden fancy to them. "How much?" "Four Mex." It was magnanimous of Ling Foo. "I'll take them." They were real, anyhow. "Bring your jade at tea time and call for Miss Norman. I can't give you any more time." "Yes, lady."

It's a fifty-to-one shot. Tools are lost, the casin' collapses, the cable breaks, money gives out, shootin' is badly done, water filters in, or oil ain't there in payin' quantities. In a coupla years you can buy a deskful of no-good stock for a dollar Mex." "Then why is everybody in it?" "We've all been bit by this get-rich-quick bug.

Before he had been with them an hour it was evident to many, not last of all to big Kootanie George, that the "Mex" was flirting openly with the yellow haired Ernestine. It was equally evident that his notice did not embarrass her as his apology had done.

They're a lot of poor, hungry devils." "I gathered that you offered to pay ransom. How much?" "Two thousand dollars Mex. I gave my word. I'll have to take the money. I told them when and where I'd meet them." "Certainly. I'm glad I've got the money." Madeline laughed. "What a strange thing to happen to me! I wonder what dad would say to that?

For the last half-mile Bridge had had the figure of the fugitive in full view and his mind had been playing rapidly with seductive visions of the one-thousand dollars reward one-thousand dollars Mex, perhaps, but still quite enough to excite pleasant thoughts.

He was trained down like as if he'd been ridin' the range all winter. He hed plenty of money Mex, they said. An' all the Greasers was crazy about him. Called him El Capitan. He got drunk an' went roarin' round fer Pat Hawe. You remember that Greaser who was plugged last October the night Miss Majesty arrived? Wal, he's daid.