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My temporary sense of depression, however, deserted me as we entered the hall, which was well lighted and filled with people, who clapped when the Hon. Joseph and I, accompanied by Mr. Doddridge and the Hon. Henry Clay Mellish from Pottstown, with the local chairman, walked out on the stage.

"And they won't spoil you," he said. "The Mellish woman that's the boss has promised that. I wouldn't have you spoiled for a farm," he added heartily. And he spoke the truth. If he had been told that he was cherishing her type as though it were a priceless bit of old Saxe, he would have stared blankly and made a jocular remark. But it was exactly this which he actually clung to and adored.

Now I'm bound to play this game and I can't take any risks. If my word and Mellish's isn't good enough for you, why, say so." "All right," cried Bert. "If you can convince Mellish that you will pay if you lose I'll play you." Rowell and Mellish retired into an inner room and after a few minutes reappeared again. Mellish's face was red when he went in. He was now a trifle pale.

They went into the main room together and the boy, abandoning roulette, began to play at one of the card tables for ever-increasing stakes. Mellish kept an eye on him for a time. The boy was having the luck of most beginners. He played a reckless game and won hand over fist. As one man had enough and rose from the table another eagerly took his place, but there was no break in the boy's winnings.

The sergeant, who was very tired and thirsty, wavered in his resolution to continue the pursuit. Lydia, as usual, treated the matter as settled. "Bashville," she said, "will you please show them the way, and see that they are satisfied." "Some thief has stole my coat," said Mellish, sullenly, to Bashville.

Evidently married, both of 'em." Which was quite true. Of course no one will believe me when I say that Mellish was in every respect, except one, an exemplary citizen and a good-hearted man. He was generous to a fault and he gave many a young fellow a start in life where a little money or a few encouraging words were needed.

When I was a beginner I used to see Colonel Mellish make discards, on the mere chance of tyin' the cards, that seemed to me simply reckless. I soon discovered, however, that they were simply scientific. One more thing always remember that there is no average card in a piquet pack. The average is halfway between the ten-spot and the knave.

He even had a second private interview with Mrs. Mellish, and asked her to "keep her as much like she was" as was possible. Stimulated by the suppressed touch of artistic fervor, Mrs. Mellish guessed at something even before her client arrived; but the moment she entered the showroom all was revealed to her at once. The very hint of flush and tremor in Miss Alicia's manner was an assistance.

I shall ask her to come here herself to-morrow morning, and I want you to take care of her, and show her the best you've got that's suitable." He seemed to like the word; he repeated it "Suitable," and quickly restrained a sudden, unexplainable, wide smile. The attending lady's name was Mrs. Mellish. Thirty years' experience had taught her many lessons.

Mellishe's name was E. Mellishe, and Mellish's was E.S. Mellish, and they were both staying at the same hotel, and the Fate that looks after the Indian Empire ordained that Wonder should blunder and drop the final 'e'; that the Chaprassi should help him, and that the note which ran DEAR MR. MELLISH, Can you set aside your other engagements, and lunch with us at two to-morrow?