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It is reported that Hammon paid fifty thousand dollars to prevent Melcher from filing suit. I dare say things will be quiet around Tony the Barber's now." "You press people certainly have got a lot up your sleeves." James's involuntary start of dismay did not pass unnoticed.

Aug. 22. brite and fair. Aug. 23. brite and fair. tonite me and Pewt and Beany and Fatty Gilman and Fatty Melcher and Billy Swett and Gim Erly and lots of the fellers come up and plaid i spy the bull. one feller lays it and he shets his eyes at the gool and counts fifty and the rest of the fellers go and hide and when he has counted fifty he trys to find the fellers and tag his gool before they do. they is a stick leening agenst the gool and if one of the fellers can get to the gool ferst he can plug the stick as far as he can and the feller whitch is laying it has to run and get the stick and go back to the gool and leeve the stick there before he can find enny more fellers and if enny fellers has been cougt they can hide agen. so tonite we plaid it til nine oh clock and i had laid it most an hour when Pewt pluged the stick and hit old Bill Morril rite in the head jest as he came round the corner and he was mad as time and we put for home jest lively.

You don't dare holler." "I'm glad you're in the open at last," Bob told her, roughly. "We'll see if Melcher is as desperate as " "To hell with Melcher!" screamed the girl. "He's a fool. He's scared already, but I'm not, and I'm the one to settle with, remember that."

Jim thrust his thin face close to hers, and she saw that it was distorted with rage. "If you don't want to go home, stay here. He's going with me." "We'll see." She turned, but he seized her roughly. "What are you going to do?" he demanded. "I'm going to tell him he's being taken to a crooked gambling- house, and that you're working for Max Melcher. He isn't too drunk to understand that."

Feb. 9. me and Fatty Melcher are making some arrow rifles down to his shop. we are going hunting for rabbits saterday. brite and fair. Feb. 10. brite and fair. tonite father brougt a magasine home tonite. it is the young folks. we all wanted it so we took turns. ferst Cele read a story and then i read a story and then Keene, we all read it out loud. Cele read amung the glass blowers.

We could go abroad and get the help of those German surgeons. I've always wanted to travel." When Lorelei reached the theater that evening she found Lilas Lynn entertaining a caller who had been more than once in her thoughts during the day. Jim's reference to Max Melcher had recalled Mr.

Character what was it but hypocrisy, or a luxury upon which some people prided themselves? From Lorelei, Lilas's thoughts wandered naturally to Jim, thence to his companions, and finally to Max Melcher. One and all, those men, at the first hint of danger to themselves, had thrown her over and sought protection. That was man-like.

I told Max he could go to hell, and you'd better tell him the same thing. Now what do you want me to do?" Bob's lips were white. "Stand pat and wait until I rob a bank. I've got to buy three weeks' time, no matter what it costs." When he had gone Lilas 'phoned first to Melcher and reported progress; then she called up Jim.

It did not take her long to see that Wharton had changed since their last interview, and accordingly she did not put herself to the trouble of acting in fact, Bob allowed her no opportunity of doing so. "Now don't give me that stall about Melcher," he said, in answer to her first inquiries "I'm on."

Take it from me, on the word of a volunteer fireman, Lilas will cash in on him quicker than you think. I know." "How do you know?" inquired his sister. "Never mind how. Maybe I've got second sight. Anyhow, the info is right; Hammon's in the game-bag." "Who told you?" "Maybe I got it in the dog-eared dope," mocked the brother. "Maybe Max Melcher told me.