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He gave her to the full that reassurance of which she stood in need. But for all his sincerity it was as useless as if it had been left unspoken. The letter from Dug McFarlane at Orrville, the recognition of her by the man Sikkem Bruce, had warned Elvine that the sands of her time of happiness were running out. She felt she knew that a gape of despair was already yawning at her feet.

"This is benevolence!" went on the young man. "Teaching a spelling lesson in a Belvedere with the thermometer at ninety degrees in the shade? What sinners all the rest of us are! I declare, Daisy, you make me feel bad." "I should not think it, Mr. McFarlane."

Exteriorly the low cabin made a drab, depressing picture; but as he alighted upon Berea's invitation and entered the house, he was met by a sweet-faced, brown-haired little woman in a neat gown, whose bearing was not in the least awkward or embarrassed. "This is Mr. Norcross, the tourist I told you about," explained Berrie. Mrs. McFarlane extended her small hand with friendly impulse.

"In fact the most violent of all the opponents to the Service are these old adventurers. I don't think they deserve to be called pioneers. They never did any work in clearing the land or in building homes. Some of them, who own big herds of cattle, still live in dug-outs. They raged at Mr. McFarlane for going into the Service called him a traitor. Old Jake Proudfoot was especially furious "

"Guess you must do as you think," she said, with a shrug. And she remained with her back turned upon the man she was destined never to address again. Bob moved away and joined the rest of the Vigilantes. They were already in the saddle. Dug McFarlane had given his final orders. In a moment Bob surveyed the scene in the dim light. Then he turned away to his own horse and sprang into the saddle.

McFarlane stared at him with kindly perplexity. "I don't know exactly what you can do, but I'll work you in somehow. You ought to work under a man like Settle, one that could put you through a training in the rudiments of the game. I'll see what can be done." "Thank you for that half promise," said Wayland, and he went to his bed happier than at any moment since leaving home.

"And why didn't you go yesterday afternoon, as I thought you intended?" Daisy's and Ransom's eyes met. "Papa, it was a great deal pleasanter this morning than it would have been then; I never had such a nice ride." "And what do you want done now? Is your table ready?" "It will be ready Mr. Stilton is getting it ready." "Who is invited, Daisy?" inquired Mr. McFarlane.

That world, in his comprehension of it, ran from the McFarlane in a narrow trail through the forests and over the plains to the little valley from which the beavers had driven them. If Gray Wolf was not here she was there, and tirelessly he resumed his quest of her. Not until the stars were fading out of the sky again, and gray day was giving place to night, did exhaustion and hunger stop him.

"One moment!" said Holmes. "Who opened the door?" "A middle-aged woman, who was, I suppose, his housekeeper." "And it was she, I presume, who mentioned your name?" "Exactly," said McFarlane. "Pray proceed." McFarlane wiped his damp brow and then continued his narrative: "I was shown by this woman into a sitting-room, where a frugal supper was laid out. Afterwards Mr.

"You realized what must happen when I visited Dug McFarlane in the matter of Peters, who bought your dead husband's farm. You knew it when you read that letter I gave you. And so you protested. So you assured me of your regard." He came a step nearer. The movement was almost involuntary. "I have prayed to God that some day he might bring me face to face with the person who sold my brother's life.