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L'absence est le plus grand des maux, Non pas pour vous, cruelle! Who has not found a charm in watching the clouds of heaven as they float along?

And with these words he thinks no more of England but ponders again the inscrutable ways of God. The Bureau d'Echange de Maux I often think of the Bureau d'Echange de Maux and the wondrously evil old man that sate therein.

L'absence est le plus grand des maux, Non pas pour vous, cruelle! Who has not found a charm in watching the clouds of heaven as they float along?

"On ne croit plus a son etoile, On sent que derriere la toile Sont le deuil, les maux et la mort." For a fortnight I have been happy, and now this happiness is going. There are no more birds, but a few white or blue butterflies are still left.

We exhorted her to come to the Saviour, who intercedes for us without the aid of man, and gave her a New Testament, which she said she would read. 12th. Went to Maux to sleep. The landlady was communicative: she told us that some travellers like ourselves some time ago had given her a New Testament, which she had lent about the village, together with tracts, and that she wished for more.

Je me souviens pourtant qu'en cette nuit cruelle Pour briser mon lien je fis un long effort. Je la nommai cent fois perfide et déloyale, Je comptai tous les maux qu'elle m'avait causés." She stopped suddenly, her eyes full of pain. "You don't think that, you can't think that of me?" she pleaded. "I'd rather think you a coquette than " Again he checked himself at the sight of her trouble.

But I think," he added to himself, when the gate was closed behind Roden, "that I can fool her." "A tous maux, il y a deux remedes le temps et le silence." "They call me Uncle Ben comprenny?" one man explained very slowly to another for the sixth time across a small iron table set out upon the pavement.

Being most sensitive to pain, as well as to pleasure, he was an exception to that rule of Rochefoucauld's "nous avons tous assez de force pour supporter les maux d'autrui." He did not bear easily the misfortunes of others, and the evils of his own lot were heavy enough. They saddened him; but neither illness, nor his poignant anxiety for others, could sour a nature so unselfish.

Dieux cruels, s'il en est, eclairez mon courage. Faut-il vieillir courbe sous la main qui m'outrage, Supporter, ou finir mon malheur et mon sort? Qui suis je? Qui m'arrete! et qu'est-ce que la mort? C'est la fin de nos maux, c'est mon unique asile Apres de longs transports, c'est un sommeil tranquile.

J'ai vu l'hypocrite honoré: J'ai vu, c'est dire tout, le jésuite adoré: J'ai vu ces maux sous le règne funeste D'un prince que jadis la colère céleste Accorda, par vengeance,