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Dear old Marny, with his big boiler amidships, his round, sunburned face shaded by a wide-brimmed, slouch hat the one he wore when he lived with the Sioux Indians loose red tie tossed over one shoulder, and rusty velveteen coat, was an old habitue. And so was dry, crusty Malone, "the man from Dublin," rough outside as a potato and white inside as its meal.

But you don't want to hunt for these Kentuckians in their own homes unless you send word you are coming, or you may run up against the end of a rifle before you know it. I don't blame them." Marny leaned back in his chair and turned toward me. "The Government is always hunting them as if they were wild beasts, instead of treating them as human beings.

He himself seemed conscious of the fact that he had not been expected at this end-of-summer fete, for as he strolled forward to meet his wife and Juliette Marny, and acknowledge with a bow here and a nod there the many greetings from subordinates and friends, there was quite an apologetic air about his good-looking face, and an obvious shyness in his smile.

"Mademoiselle de Marny," he said, "allow me to conduct you to a room, which though unworthy of your presence will, nevertheless, enable you to rest quietly for a few minutes, whilst I give my friend Deroulede further advice and instructions. In the room you will find a disguise, which I pray you to don with all haste.

The four men stood waiting together with Juliette, whilst Sir Percy gave them his final instructions. "We'll mix with the crowd," he said, "and do all that the crowd does. It is for us to see that that unruly crowd does what we want. Mademoiselle de Marny, a thousand congratulations. La! not a difficult task, I ween," he added, with his genial smile; "and yours, Deroulede, is equally easy.

She did not understand that in the simplicity of his heart, he only wished to make amends. The quarrel with the young Vicomte de Marny had been forced upon him, the fight had been honourable and fair, and on his side fought with every desire to spare the young man. He had merely been the instrument of Fate, but he felt happy that Fate once more used him as her tool, this time to save the sister.

All he wanted was a bow, and I furnished that enough of the devil's resin to set him going and out would roll jigs, lullabys, fandangoes, serenades anything you wanted: anything to which his mood tempted him." Marny had settled into his chair now, and had stretched his fat legs toward the blaze, his middle distance completely filling the space between the arms.

Three women were sent to the penitentiary at the Salpetriere, and were dragged out of the court shrilly protesting their innocence, and followed by obscene jeers from the spectators on the benches. Then there was a momentary hush. Juliette Marny had been brought in.

Consult any scientist and see if I am not right especially the German doctors who have made a specialty of nutrition. Such men as Fugel, Beenheim and " Here a slice of Tine's freshly-cut bread made a line-shot, struck the top of Joplin's scalp, caromed on Schonholz's shirt-front and fell into Stebbins's lap, followed instantly by "Order, gentlemen!" from Marny. "Don't waste that slab of proteid.

Behind this door was a high railing closed with a wooden gate. Over this scowled an officer in uniform. "My friend Sergeant Cram," said Marny, as he introduced us. The officer and I shook hands. The hand was thick and hard, the knotted knuckles leaving an unpleasant impression behind them as they fell from my fingers.