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'But, thought Edward, 'suppose and Heaven forgive me, I cannot help supposing it that Manston is not that honourable man, what will a young and inexperienced fellow like Owen do? Will he not be hoodwinked by some specious story or another, framed to last till Manston gets tired of poor Cytherea? And then the disclosure of the truth will ruin and blacken both their futures irremediably.

That's the whole story of her, madam. Whatever were Manston's real feelings towards the lady who had received his explanation in these supercilious tones, they remained locked within him as within a casket of steel. 'Did your friends know of your marriage, Mr. Manston? she continued. 'Nobody at all; we kept it a secret for various reasons.

'You'll have to go if it breaks all the horses' legs in the county, said the cook, turning from the spectacle, knocking open the oven-door with the tongs, glancing critically in, and slamming it together with a clang. 'O, O; why shall I? asked the coachman, including in his auditory by a glance the clerk and gardener who had just entered. 'Because Mr. Manston is in the business.

Manston. It was impossible that they should live within a quarter of a mile of each other, be engaged in the same service, and attend the same church, without meeting at some spot or another, twice or thrice a week.

The postman had by this time become markedly unsteady, but he still continued to be too conscious of his duties to suffer the steward to search the bag. Manston was perplexed, and at lonely points in the road cast his eyes keenly upon the short bowed figure of the man trotting through the mud by his side, as if he were half inclined to run a very great risk indeed.

But the removal of the uneasiness in this direction by Mrs. Manston's arrival, and her own consequent freedom had been the imposition of pain in another. Utterly fictitious details of the finding of Cytherea and Manston had been invented and circulated, unavoidably reaching her ears in the course of time.

'I have not heard directly from her, he said gently. 'But her brother has communicated with some people in the parish 'The Springroves, I suppose, said Manston gloomily. 'Yes; and they tell me that she is very ill, and I am sorry to say, likely to be for some days. 'Surely, surely, I must go and see her! Manston cried. 'I would advise you not to go, said Raunham.

Thus, amid his concentration did Manston receive perceptions of the individuals about him in the lively thoroughfare of the Strand; tall men looking insignificant; little men looking great and profound; lost women of miserable repute looking as happy as the days are long; wives, happy by assumption, looking careworn and miserable.

On the maiden's return, tired and sick at heart as usual, she found Manston at the station awaiting her. He asked politely if he might accompany her to Knapwater. She tacitly acquiesced.

The woman thought and thought, and regarded the dull dark trees, anxiously debating how the thing could be done. Stealthily re-opening the front door she entered the hall, and advancing and pausing alternately, came close to the door of the room in which Miss Aldclyffe and Manston conversed. Nothing could be heard through the keyhole or panels.