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Fling a byword or two at our heads. Know, girls, that he is a very Solomon for bywords. Methinks he was brought up by hand on 'em." "Be thy friendship a byword!" retorted Gerard. "The friendship that melts to nought at sight of a farthingale." "Malheureux!" cried Denys, "I speak but pellets, and thou answerest daggers." "Would I could," was the reply. "Adieu."

"Esclave malheureux de la haute fortune, D'un roi trop indolent souverain absolu, Surcharge de travaux dont le soin L'importune. Bruhl, quitte des grandeurs L'embarras superflu. Au sein de ton opulence Je vois le Dieu des ennuis, Et dans ta magnificence Le repos fait tes units. "Descend de ce palais dont le superbe faite Domine sur la Saxe, s'elevent aux cieux.

Mme. de Sable tries in vain to appease her exacting friend, who replies to her explanations by a long letter in which she recalls their tender and inviolable friendship, and closes with these words: Malheurteuse est l'ignorance, Et plus malheureux le savoir.

English ships make a cheerful fire!" "And that would be a useless waste of property, and perhaps of blood, and would do no one any good, Etooell." "But it would do the accursed English harm, and that counts for a something, in my reckoning. Nelson wasn't so over-scrupulous, at the Nile, about burning your ships, Mr. Rule " "Tonnerre! why do you always bring in that malheureux Nile?

"You know there is a French proverb " She stopped, not liking to repeat it as she suddenly remembered the application. "Yes, I do know the lying Gallic invention! Heureux au jeu, malheureux en amour. I don't believe it. If luck's with you, all goes well; but then Fortune is such a fickle jade!" "I trust you will always be fortunate, Mr. De Burgh," said Katherine, gently.

At sight of them the poor madman grew frantic, and turning upon Fanny he cried: "You are against me!" then ran across the yard. She shut her eyes that she might not see them hunt the lover of freedom, and only opened them when a man cried in triumph: "We'll take you to the King!" "Pauvre malheureux!" muttered the drivers in the yard. Day followed day and there was plenty of work.

Carried away by this ill-timed mania, I neglected my studies to compose poems, which certainly can have shown no great promise, to judge by a line of too many feet which became famous among my companions the beginning of an epic on the Incas: "O Inca! O roi infortune et malheureux!" In derision of such attempts, I was nicknamed the Poet, but mockery did not cure me.

These the same chance grants and takes away: your Works one can make one's own by means of memory, so that they last us whilst it lasts. Knowing how weak my own memory is, I am in the highest degree select in what I trust to it. You" in fine, "you inspire the ambition to follow in your footsteps. But I, how often have I said to myself: 'MALHEUREUX, throw down a burden which is above thy strength!

A ces Francais brulants de gloire, Dotes de quatre sous par jour, Qui des rois, des heros font fleurir la memoire, Esclaves couronnes des mains de la victoire, Troupeaux malheureux que la cour Dirige au seul bruit du tambour. "That was my fated term. A deserter from our troops got eye on me, recognised me and denounced me.

To-day I see pink a tender pink. And then I pass through strange, dull phases in which neither blue nor pink says anything to me. And yet I must have the bows." "Have them green or yellow," said Newman. "Malheureux!" the little marquise would cry. "Green bows would break your marriage your children would be illegitimate!"