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He has been in Majestat's thoughts for years." "I expect he has," I said; for Kloster has often told me how they hated him at court, him and his friends, but that he was too well known all over the world for them to be able to interfere with him; something like, I expect, Tolstoi and the Russian court. The Grafin looked at me quickly. "And so has Majestat been in his," I continued.

One day, two wicked Captains, finding him prostrate in some lone place, cut off his Kammerherr KEY; and privately gave it to his Majesty. Majesty, in Tabagie, notices Gundling's coat-breast: "Where is your Key, then, Herr Kammerherr?" "Hm, hah unfortunately lost it, Ihro Majestat!" "Lost it, say you?" and his Majesty looks dreadfully grave.

As I took the money he remarked "Seine Majestät" Foreign Office brevity for conveying that His Majesty was satisfied. Without more ado, von Wedel plunged into the subject. Leaning back and crossing his legs, he began to talk in his abrupt way. "I want you to go with his Excellency, Herr von Kinderlen-Waechter, as his private attendant and secretary, began von Wedel.

And Klumpf played an accordion. Schantze replied in the same vein, beginning, "Euer Majestät " The sailors marched forward again, to their music, like pleased children. For custom was that they should have plum duff this day, and plenty of hot grog.... Before I was aware, I was caught up by several arms. For I had never before crossed the line. So I must be initiated.

"He," the Herr Professor here, "has also treated of GERMAN LETTER-WRITING, and has published specimens." KING. "So? GELLERT. "ACH JA, that have I, IHRO MAJESTAT!" KING. "But why doesn't it change? They bring me whole sheets of that stuff, and I can make nothing of it!" GELLERT. "If your Majesty cannot alter it, still less can I. I can only recommend, where you command."

Majestat letzteren Sieg frohlich odor traurig sein soll, weil eben der gluckliche Sieg, der neue Lorbeern um Dero Scheitel geflochten hat, uber mein Vaterland Jammer und Elend verbreitet.

There's Bernd, my beloved, my heart's own mate; and as I sat there dumb, and they all triumphed on with their self-congratulations and satisfactions, and Majestat this, and Deutschland that, for an awful moment my faith in Bernd himself began to shake.

"Kloster," said the Grafin very gently, "is a most amusing talker, and sometimes cannot resist saying the witty things that occur to him, however undesirable they may be. We all know they mean nothing. We all understand and love our Kloster. And nobody, as you see, dear child, more than Majestat, with his ever ready appreciation of genius." I could only sit silent, staring at my plate.

There was no more noise, but the little boy's legs, desperately twitching, kicked their dusty little boots against the cousin's shins, and he, standing at the salute with his body rigidly turned towards Majestat, was unable to take the steps his outraged honour, let alone the pain in his shins, called for.

But a certain Sergeant, Fugleman, or chief Corporal, stept out, saluting reverentially: "Regiment Bernburg, IHRO MAJESTAT ?" "Hm; well, you did handsomely. Yes, you shall have your side-arms back; all shall be forgotten and washed out!" "And you are again our Gracious King, then?" says the Sergeant, with tears in his eyes.