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The hansom turned the corner, and he obtained a raking view of the houses along the north side, of which hers was one, with the familiar linkman at the door. There were Chinese lanterns, too, on the balcony. He perceived in a moment that the customary 'small and early' reception had resolved itself on this occasion into something very like great and late.

The acolytes, with their great candles of yellow wax, were going by as he gained the edge of the road. They looked at him wonderingly. The friars, in Dominican cassocks, stared at him also. Then the choir took its turn. The linkman at sight of him stopped an instant, then marched on.

Polteed's shoulders. "You can risk it," he murmured; "with what we have, and human nature, you can risk it." Soames rose. "You will ask for Mr. Linkman. Thanks; don't get up." He could not bear Mr. Polteed to slide as usual between him and the door. In the sunlight of Piccadilly he wiped his forehead. This had been the worst of it he could stand the strangers better.

Ashe sent for the carriage. As he was standing on the steps Cliffe pushed past him and called for a hansom. It came in the rear of two or three carriages already under the portico. He ran along the pavement and jumped in. The doors were just being shut by the linkman when a little figure in a white cloak flew down the steps of the house and held up a hand to the driver of the hansom.

A choir of four singers, three men and one woman, followed the monks. Then a linkman in half armor strode across the summit, lighting the way for a figure, also in black, which at once claimed Mirza's gaze. As he stared at the figure, the account given him by the old captain in Otranto flashed upon his memory.

She smiled: she was my dear, friendly Diana again. 'You shall tell me all about it to-morrow, she said. 'You will not have another opportunity, because we are going to Aix on Friday. And now, good-night. I am stopping the way, and the linkman is getting quite excited over it. She passed on, and the carriage rolled away with her, and I was too happy to mind very much had she not forgiven me?

Oh, the years she had mourned for him! Her love was deep as the sea! Tears again and without thought of what he did all aimlessly he returned to the door. "This castle was sacked and burned by pirates, was it not?" he asked the linkman. "Yes." "They slew the Count Corti?" "Yes." "And carried off his son?" "Yes." "Had he other children?" "No." "What was the name of the boy?" "Ugo."

Walpole, whose great father he had once had the distinction to serve as linkman, all would have been well. And he was desiring me particularly to comprehend that he had been acting under most disagreeable orders when he sent for the bailiff, before I cut him short.

"You have acted in a manner insulting to his Grace of Mayenne," M. Étienne repeated inexorably, and he glanced up the street and down the street to make sure the coast was clear. The wretched little deputy's teeth chattered. The linkman had retreated to the other side of the way, where he seemed on the point of fleeing, leaving his master to his fate.

And what lent additional horror to the circumstances of these burials was, that those engaged in this duty would occasionally drop lifeless during their labour. So that it sometimes happened the dead-carts were found without driver, linkman, or bell-man. And it was estimated that the parish of Stepney alone lost one hundred and sixteen gravediggers and sextons within that year.