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Updated: August 31, 2024

Linceford had demurred at a too hasty rushing over, as new comers, to begin visits. "Oh, nobody knows when they are called upon here, or who comes first," said Mattie Shannon. "We generally receive half way across the green, and it's a chance which turns back, or whether we get near either house again or not. Houses don't signify, except when it rains."

It was pleasant to see Mrs. Linceford looked pleased, as she opened her door to her, and to have her say, "You always do get on exactly the right thing!" There was a fresh feeling of pleasure even in looking over at Washington, sun-lighted and shadowed in his miles of heights and depths, as she sat by the cool east window, feeling quite her dainty self again.

Linceford had letters from her husband, proposing to meet her by the first, in N , and so the Haddens would be off; the Thoresbys had stayed as long as they cared to in any one place where there seemed no special inducement; General Ingleside was going through the mountains to Dixville Notch.

"The telescope's fixed, out on the balcony; and you can see Jupiter and three of his moons! We must make haste, before our moon's up." "Will you go and look, Mrs. Linceford?" asked Mr. Wharne of the lady, as Leslie reached her side. They went with him, and Master Thayne followed. Jeannie and Elinor and the Miss Thoresbys were doing the inevitable promenade after the dance, under difficulties.

Linceford napped and lounged a good deal, and could spare her then; and Jeannie and Elinor seemed somehow to feel the want of her less than they had done, Elinor unconsciously drawn away by new attraction, Jeannie rather of a purpose. I am afraid I cannot call it anything else but a little loss of caste which seemed coming to Leslie Goldthwaite just now, through these new intimacies of hers.

"I think it is either that they have not said their prayers this morning, or that they don't know their daily bread when they see it. They think it is only saleratus cakes and maple molasses." "As cross this morning as last night?" the lady questioned playfully. "Not cross at all, Mrs. Linceford. Only jarred upon continually by these people we have here just now. It was different two years ago.

Within was a piano tinkle of gay music, and demi-toilette, and demi-festival, the poor, abridged reproduction of city revelry in the inadequate parlor of an unpretending mountain-house, on a three-ply carpet. Marmaduke Wharne came and looked in at the doorway. Mrs. Linceford rose from her seat upon the sofa close by, and gave him courteous greeting.

They were quite a little coterie by themselves. It shaped itself to this more and more. Leslie did not neglect her own party. She drove and walked with Mrs. Linceford, and was ready for anything the Haddens really wanted of her; but Mrs.

And never a word more would she say to explain herself. The "little red" was at the door of the Green Cottage. Frank Scherman had got the refusal of it the night before, and early in the morning Madam Routh's compliments had come to Mrs. Linceford, with the request, in all the form that mountain usage demanded, that she and the young ladies would make part of the expedition for the day.

"I suppose I ought to have come to you first; but it's all right," he added, in a low tone, over her shoulder. "He's a nice boy." And Mrs. Linceford put her eye to the telescope. "Dakie Thayne!

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