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I was paddlin' down the creek, bound for nowhere special, when along comes a sporty-dressed young gent, wearin' puttee leggin's and a leather cap with goggles attached. He's luggin' a five-gallon can of gasoline, and strikes me for a lift down the shore a bit. "Keepin' your car in the Sound, are you?" says I, shovin' in towards the bank. "It's an aërohydro," says he. "Eh?" says I. "A a which?"

Louie's the gent in the leather leggin's and north-pole outfit that comes around after Mr. Robert every night with the machine. Say, it's a reg'lar rollin' bay window, that car of Mr. Robert's! I wouldn't mind havin' one of that kind taggin' around after me. But if I was pickin' a shover I'd pass Louie by. He wears his nose too high in the air and is too friendly with himself to suit me.

"That's 'im," explained their owner, nudging a big man in shabby white drill, who was shouldering a deliberate way through the press. "The Colonel and ain't 'e a Regular Oner! Them along of 'im with the red shoulder-straps and brown leather leggin's, they're cav'l'ry Orficers o' the Staff, they are. An' them others in khâki with puttees syme as wot I've got on they're the Medical Swells.

'I shore fixes him so he can't get a job clerkin' in a store, an' grabbin' the Red Dog man's ha'r, which is long as the mane of a pony, he slashes it off close in one motion. "'Thar's a fringe for your leggin's, Nell, remarks Cherokee, a- turnin' of the crop over to Faro Nell.

"But how in thunder was I ter know as any of 'em c'd understand English? Simon Sprott never let on that he was anythin' but a pure Injun until after I was condemned." "You ain't hurt any, I hope?" Kiddie inquired. "Nope. Shins are some scorched. Moccasins an' leggin's are spoilt, an' my eyes are nippin'. Oh, an' they've took my six-shooter, Kiddie. D'you reckon we c'n get it back?"

Take it good-natured and they'll let you off light. They're only goin' to stretch you over the log and tan you eight or ten times with the leggin's. 'Twon't hurt much." The Marquis, with an exclamation of anger, his white teeth gleaming, suddenly exhibited a surprising strength. He wrenched with his arms so violently that the four men were swayed and dragged many yards from the log.

She is too sizey now, an' confound it, leggin's an' a short skirt ought to satisfy any female but now she won't speak to me, an' I can't go back on my order, so I don't see how we're goin' to straighten it out." I pertended to be mad. "Jabez," I sez, "I do wish I could come back to this ranch just once an' find it runnin' smooth.

August 11th. I hope tom's happy; it's offel to be in love. I hope I'll never be. My hands are pretty sore pullin' weeds, but I like it; I pertend it's bad habits I'm rootin' out. Arthur's offel good: he duz all the work he can for me, and he sings for me and tells me about his uncle the Bishop. His uncle's got servants and leggin's and lots of things. Arthur's been kind of sick lately.

The waist part of it was loose an' low in the neck an' came to a little below the knees where the leggin's began. The upper part of the leggin's which you couldn't see were loose an' easy.

I had expected 'food' an' wouldn't have hardly batted an' eye at 'viands, an' the caliginous part of it is good, only, if you aim to obfuscate my convolutions you'll have to dig a little deeper. Entirely irrelevant to syntax an' the allied trades, as the feller says, I'll add that them leggin's of yourn is on the wrong legs, an' here comes Winthrup with a chip."