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"'As you-all knows, observes Colonel Sterett, 'I was foaled in Kaintucky; an' I must add, I never recalls that jestly cel'brated commonwealth with-out a sigh. Its glories, sech as they was before the war, is fast departin' away. In my yooth, thar is nothin' but a nobility in Kaintucky; leastwise in the Bloo Grass country, whereof I'm a emanation.

Leastwise, after I'm done prunin' you, thar won't be nothin' but these yere woman's saddles that you'll fit, an' no gent, be he white or be he Greaser, can work cattle from a side-saddle. An' Peets, hummin' a roundelay, cuts merrily into the wounded member." Tucson Jennie's Correction.

Not her skin, perhaps, nor hair, nor her eyes, leastwise not the color, but something I can't describe; and this woman, her mother, you say is a furriner; that may be, but I've seen her afore, or I'm mistaken. She took passage once on the 'Liza Ann, I'm sure on't, and Arthur look passage same day as far as Chester and was as chipper as you please with her.

He got suthin very pertickler fo' Miss Jinny." "Do you know him?" Clarence demanded. "No sah yessah leastwise I'be seed 'um. Name's Robimson." The word was hardly out of his mouth before Virginia had leaped down the four feet from the porch to the flower-bed and was running across the lawn toward the shrubbery.

No," reading the question in the superintendent's eye, "not a drop, Mr. Lidgerwood; I ain't touched not, tasted not, n'r handled not 'r leastwise, not to drink any," and here he told the bottle episode which had ended in the smashing of Flemister's sideboard supply. Lidgerwood nodded approvingly when the modest narrative reached the bottle-smashing point.

"And the gun," said Raffles, calmly, looking into vacancy, and not seeing Jack's coins "leastwise, wot was a gun." "Am I to pay for that filthy article?" said Jack, angrily. "Why, it nearly blew my brains out!" "'As'e to pay for that breech-loader gun?" said Raffles, laughing softly as at some good joke. "Why, of course you have." "My opinion is, Raffles, that that gun was rotten.

"I wish you c'ud git under the skin of that Jap. No use tryin' to git in with the crew or the hunters. They're ag'in' both of us leastwise the hunters are. The hands don't count. They're jest plain hash." Lund spoke with an absolute contempt of the sailors that was characteristic of the man. "You think they'd put a blind man ashore that way?" asked Rainey. "Carlsen would. In a minnit.

"Why, in course nobody knows where he is," retorted the skipper; "that's where it is. No sooner does he get a small windfall leastwise, his mother gets it than he cuts the trawlers, an' all his old friends without so much as sayin' `Good-bye, an' goes off to Lunnon or somewheres, to set up for a gentleman, I suppose." "I don't believe nothin' o' the sort," returned the mate indignantly.

Wanted to tell her sometimes when she kissed me and called me "father" wanted to tell her, "Leetle Lizzie, let me help ye bear yer load. Speak out the sorrer that's in yer broken heart; speak it out, leetle one, an' let me help yer bear yer load!" But it is n't for a man to have them feelin's leastwise, it is n't for him to tell uv 'em. So I held my peace and made no sign.

His head was about as big as a pumpkin." "He had been wounded?" "Well, I should say so." "Have you seen the gentleman that brought him on from Washington lately?" "Not here, mum; I did see him in the street the other day. He was in a wagon leastwise, it looked mighty like him." Kate began to breathe more freely. Her father had, at least, avoided any collusion with inferiors.