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I was oiling my working-day boots without taking 'em off, and wi' my head hanging down, when she just brushed on by the garden hatch like a flittering leaf. 'Ann, I said, says I, and then, but, Dick I'm afeard 'twill be no help to thee; for we were such a rum couple, your mother and I, leastways one half was, that is myself and your mother's charms was more in the manner than the material."

Standin' 'pon that hillside you can see a door in the wall, twenty feet above the ground, an' openin' on nothing. Leastways, you could see it once; an' even now, if ye've good eyesight, ye can see where they've bricked it up." I could, in fact, even at our distance, detect the patch of recent stone-work; and knew something of its history.

Forrest," said Harry, "but I'm afraid we're on different sides of the question." "Mebbe we are 'til things come to a head," said the mountaineer, laughing, "but, as I said, if Tennessee goes out, I reckon I'll go with her. It's hard to go ag'in your own gang. Leastways, 't ain't in me to do it. Now I've had enough of this gab, an' I'm goin' to skip out. Good-bye, young feller. I wish you well."

"You oughtn't to be troubled with our small affairs," said Mrs. Rogers. "If the parson wants to know, why, the parson must be told," said Old Rogers, smiling cheerily, as if he, at least, would be relieved by telling me. "I don't want to know," I said, "if you don't want to tell me. But can I be of any use?" "I don't think you can, sir, leastways, I'm afraid not," said the old woman.

"And you can get rid of it, if ye wants for to, and when ye wants," added tinker. "So ye can!" Speed-the-Plough took him up. "And ye doan't want for to. Leastways, t'other case. I means pipe." "And," continued tinker, comprehending him perfectly, it don't bring repentance after it." "Not nohow, master, it doan't!

"Don't think I did; he must have heard me comin' and was scared; he went down the trail faster than I could; when I seen that I couldn't catch him, I let fly without taking much aim. Maybe I hit him; leastways, he traveled so much faster that I give it up and come back."

"Well," answered Sam slowly, as he put himself at her side and slouched heavily along the side-walk with her. "She's all right leastways I reckon she ought to be; she's in 'eaven now." "Oh, Sam!" said Katrine, in a shocked voice, "is she dead? How did she die? when?" "Why, I reckon it was the cold like, she kind of froze to death.

"The's no shootin' straight wi' them things," Bob declared to himself, after several unsuccessful attempts to hit a ptarmigan. "Leastways I'm not knowin' how. But th' Injuns is shootin' un fine, an' I'm wonderin' now how they does un." With no one that could understand him Bob had unconsciously dropped into the habit of talking a great deal to himself.

He's done a good many things has Bob, but it'll be a long time afore Claybury men'll look over that. It was Henery Walker's idea. Henery 'ad been away to see an uncle of 'is wife's wot had money and nobody to leave it to leastways, so Henery thought when he wasted his money going over to see 'im and he came back full of the idea, which he 'ad picked up from the old man.

"Have you been in India, too?" asked Junkie of Quin, as he watched their proceedings with keen interest. "Sure, an' I have leastways if it wasn't dhreamin' I've bin there." "An' have you killed lions, and tigers, and elephants?" "Well, not exactly, me boy, but it's meself as used to stand by an' howld the spare guns whin the masther was killin' them." "Wasn't you frightened?" "Niver a taste.