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Speed-the-Plough volunteered information that Bursley was a good three mile from where they stood, and a good eight mile from Lobourne. "I'll give you half-a-crown for that loaf, my good fellow," said Richard to the tinker. "It's a bargain;" quoth the tinker, "eh, missus?" His cat replied by humping her back at the dog.

And I shud like to stick a Lucifer in his rick some dry windy night." Speed-the-Plough screwed up an eye villainously. "He wants hittin' in the wind, jest where the pocket is, master, do Varmer Blaize, and he'll cry out 'O Lor'! Varmer Blaize will. You won't get the better o' Varmer Blaize by no means, as I makes out, if ye doan't hit into him jest there."

'Casion calls me t'other day to Newcastle! Eh?" "Coals!" ejaculated Speed-the-Plough sonorously. "Coals!" echoed the tinker. "You ask what I goes there for, mayhap? Never you mind. One sees a mort o' life in my trade. Not for coals it isn't. And I don't carry 'em there, neither. Anyhow, I comes back. London's my mark. Says I, I'll see a bit o' the sea, and steps aboard a collier.

Speed-the-Plough volunteered information that Bursley was a good three mile from where they stood, and a good eight mile from Lobourne. "I'll give you half-a-crown for that loaf, my good fellow," said Richard to the tinker. "It's a bargain;" quoth the tinker, "eh, missus?" His cat replied by humping her back at the dog.

"And you can get rid of it, if ye wants for to, and when ye wants," added tinker. "So ye can!" Speed-the-Plough took him up. "And ye doan't want for to. Leastways, t'other case. I means pipe." "And," continued tinker, comprehending him perfectly, it don't bring repentance after it." "Not nohow, master, it doan't!

Speed-the-Plough was nothing loath, and in a short time they were following the two lads on the road to Bursley, while a horizontal blaze shot across the autumn and from the Western edge of the rain-cloud. Search for the missing boys had been made everywhere over Raynham, and Sir Austin was in grievous discontent. None had seen them save Austin Wentworth and Mr. Morton.

Speed-the-Plough was nothing loath, and in a short time they were following the two lads on the road to Bursley, while a horizontal blaze shot across the autumn and from the Western edge of the rain-cloud. Search for the missing boys had been made everywhere over Raynham, and Sir Austin was in grievous discontent. None had seen them save Austin Wentworth and Mr. Morton.

'Casion calls me t'other day to Newcastle! Eh?" "Coals!" ejaculated Speed-the-Plough sonorously. "Coals!" echoed the tinker. "You ask what I goes there for, mayhap? Never you mind. One sees a mort o' life in my trade. Not for coals it isn't. And I don't carry 'em there, neither. Anyhow, I comes back. London's my mark. Says I, I'll see a bit o' the sea, and steps aboard a collier.

The tinker sent a rapid succession of white clouds from his mouth, and said that would be taking the devil's side of a bad case. Speed-the-Plough observed energetically that, if Farmer Blaize was on the other, he should be on that side. There was a young gentleman close by, who thought with him.

Ripton solaced his wretchedness by watching them through the briar hedge. He saw the tinker stroking a white cat, and appealing to her, every now and then, as his missus, for an opinion or a confirmation; and he thought that a curious sight. Speed-the-Plough was stretched at full length, with his boots in the rain, and his head amidst the tinker's pots, smoking, profoundly contemplative.