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To add to her confusion she hears that the Baron, whom she had drugged into idiocy and sent into the country, has been cured by a skilful physician and is about to return. Du Lache despatches two assassins to murder him on the road, but the Baron by a lucky chance escapes the murderers, forces them to confess, and sets out to punish his guilty wife.

"Gredin! cent mille tonnerres de Dieu!" "Calme-toi, mon fidele ami. What will you? It was fate. Montholon. "Le lache! Un Francais meurt, mais il ne recule jamais." Napoleon. "STUPIDE! Don't you see WHY the retreat was ordered? don't you know that it was a feint on the part of Gahagan to draw Holkar from his impregnable intrenchments?

It was on one of these occasions that the chef made a mistake which his master was slow to forgive. He prepared for that critical meal a dish of poached eggs, the sight of which threw Mr. Keith into an incomprehensible fit of rage. "Take those damned things away, quickly!" he commanded. It was the celebrated artist's one and only LACHE. As a rule, however, he did not sleep on the spot.

Du Lache despairs of ensnaring him, because he is about to marry the lovely Montamour, but by a series of base expedients he manages to blacken the character of that lady in her lover's eyes, and to put the charms of the Baroness in such a light that Beauclair is at length drawn in to pay his court to her.

Meanwhile Beauclair suspects that he has wronged his innocent lady and endeavors to see her, but she at first refuses to see him, and when by a ruse he gains access to her presence, will not listen to him or give him any grounds for hope. In despair he returns to Paris and meets the young Vrayment. He discovers the infamous Du Lache hiding in a convent.

The Dorkings left London before you came there; they gave you your innings. They have behaved kindly and fairly enough to that poor girl. How was she to marry such a bankrupt beggar as you are? What you have done is a shame, Charley Belsize. I tell you it is unmanly and cowardly." "Pst," says Florac, "numero deux, voila le mot lache." "Don't bite your thumb at me," Kew went on.

He should be above them all, save in so far as he can without effort reap renown from the labours of others. It is a lache in him that he should write music or books, or paint pictures at all; but if he must do so, his work should be at best contemptible. Much as we must condemn Marcus Aurelius, we condemn James I. even more severely.

Il ecrit tres-bien, voyez-vous comme un pirate comme un Bohemien comme un homme. But for this I would have said to my mother Ma mere! quittons ce lache mari, cette lache societe retournons a mon pere. "The pirate would have wearied you like the rest," said Pen. "Eh! Il me faut des emotions" said Blanche.

She wanted to know who we were; by what right did we mix ourselves in this affair and come between a villain and his victim! Then she turned on Wharton and began gesticulating and throwing herself into contortions like a Maenad, repeating again and again that he was her husband, an 'infâme, a 'lâche, and that she would take his life if she were not given her rights.

Il mériterait d'être fleurdelisé au Parnasse. C'est bien dommage qu'une âme aussi lâche soit unie