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Thus his subsequent mishaps this night may be laid to the fact that he thought and saw through green spectacles. The idea that the jewels were hidden near by made it imperative that he should handle this affair exclusively. Coles, the operative he had sent to negotiate with Karlov, was conceivably a prisoner upstairs or down. Coles knew about the drums, and they must not turn up under his eye.

And all the while Karlov was not fighting Cutty; he was endeavouring to remove him. He was an obstacle. What Karlov wanted was that head the girl was holding in her arms; to grind his heel into it. Had Cutty stepped aside Karlov would have rushed for the other man. "Kitty, the door, the door!" Cutty shouted in despair, taking a terrible kick on the thigh. "The door!" Kitty did not stir.

Perhaps that was it to barter his phantom greatness for money, to dazzle some rich fool of an American girl. In that case Karlov would be welcome. But wait a moment. The chap had come in from the west. In that event there should be an Odyssey of some kind tucked away in the affair. Cutty resumed his pacing. The moment his imagination caught the essentials he visualized the Odyssey.

He had held up this raid so that he might be on hand to search Karlov; and until now he had forgotten the drums. Accurst! They were accurst. The death of Stefani Gregor would always be on his conscience. Cutty stared not very clearly at the cameo-like face so beautifully calm.

Karlov stopped, scowled, and ran his fingers through his hair. Perhaps some ugly memory stirred the roots of it. "You wish to die!" Gregor bent his head to his hands and Karlov resumed his pacing. After a while Gregor looked up. "Private vengeance. You begin your rule with private vengeance." "The vengeance of a people. All the breed. Did France stop at Louis?

It is possible that Karlov who had merely come up with a fresh candle would have departed but for a peculiarly grim burst of humour on the part of Fate. Tap tap tap? inquired the unsuspecting man on the roof exactly to Kitty like some innocent, inquisitive child embarrassing the family before company. Karlov flung her aside roughly, stepped under the trap, and cupped an ear.

Anyhow, we'll keep him here until he's on his feet. By the way, never answer any telephone call I mean, go anywhere on a call unless you are sure of the speaker." "I begin to feel important." "You are important. You have suddenly become a connecting link between this Karlov and the man we wish to protect.

If she answered truthfully he would accept her statements. "It rings an alarm in the basement." Karlov nodded. "You are truthful and sensible I haven't the emeralds." "Perhaps one of your men betrayed you." "I have thought of that. But if he had betrayed me the drums would have been discovered by the police.... Damn them to hell!" Kitty wondered whether he meant the police or the emeralds.

Have you read history and observed the inexorable? I doubt it. What is progress? A series of almost imperceptible steps." "Which capitalism has always obstructed," flung back Karlov. "Which capitalism has always made possible. Curb it, yes; but abolish it, as you have done in unhappy Russia! Why do you starve there?

In it Hawksley gave half of his possessions to Kitty and half to Stefani Gregor. In case the latter was dead the sum total was to go to Kitty. "I got you into a muddle; this will take you out of it. Karlov will kill me. I don't know how. I am his obsession. He will sleep better with me off his mind. Will this hold legally?" "Yes. But why Kitty Conover, a stranger?"