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I will not be so unjust to the kindness which I have received from you and some others as to say that when I lost my father I lost the only friend I could have, but I most undoubtedly lost the best, and being to-day where that happened, and more at leisure to recollect it, je la sens, cette perte, avec la meme vivacite aujourd'hui, que je ne l'eusse faite que depuis trots jours.

Pour tous les jours en sus, qu'il plairait

Forgive this jerky letter; I have been interrupted a thousand times. Charles thinks it is time to go back to Paris; but we have just received an invitation from Baron Alfred Rothschild to spend Ascot week a sejour de sept jours with a party at a house he has hired for the race-week there, and I could not resist. ASCOT, LONDON, June, 1870.

In their majestic and sunny beauty they seemed to beckon and to lure you on. Even those who had been for a long time accustomed to this enchanting region would have been impressed to- day with its exalted beauty. Grand old Nature is a woman, and has her feminine peculiarities; she rejoices in her beaux jours, even as other women.

"Isn't it droll, the way she can't get it out of her head?" Then turning almost coaxingly to the old woman: "Voyons, look about you: they don't marry us like that." "But they do cela se voit tous les jours. Ask Mr. Dormer." "Oh never! It would be as if I asked him to give us a practical proof." "I shall never prove anything by marrying any one," Nick said. "For me that question's over."

Deux jours après, mondit seigneur d'Autriche m'envoya dire qu'il vouloit me parler; et ce fut encore messire Albrech qui vint me prendre pour lui faire la révérence. Je me présentai

Except Louis, an invalid, all the brothers of the Emperor were around him in the Cent Jours, the supreme effort of their family. Joseph had left Spain after Vittoria, and had remained in an uncomfortable and unrecognised state near Paris until in 1814 he was again employed, and when, rightly or not, he urged the retreat of the Regency from Paris to Blois.

I shall never forget the impression made on me by your brilliant appearance and your no less brilliant talk." "Ah! ces beaux jours! ce bon Louis Philippe, ce cher petit Joinville," sighed the Vicomte. "But at that day you compared le bon Louis Philippe to Robert Macaire.

Behind him the violin was telling of the springtime; from the garden came the smell of the syringas; the young man's desire was toward a woman. "Is she playing her harp to-night? is she playing to Ludwell Cary?" "Belle saison de ma jeunesse Beaux jours du printemps!" sang the violin. A shot sounded near the house.

Indeed before the close of the day Rosaline privately informed her mistress, "qu'elle serait entetee surement de cet enfant dans trois jours;" and "que son regard vraiment lui serrait le coeur."