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"And you did it very neatly," added Nell, admiringly, glancing at the discomfited Jax, who was looking about him dazedly. "Thank you," and the stranger, checking the words which were evidently upon his lips, bowed again, turned quickly back to his chair, buried himself in its recesses, and retired behind a newspaper. "Well!" gasped Sue, meeting her sister's astonished eyes, "I must say "

"Yes," he continued, "I felt that I owed you and your sister a more complete apology than it was possible for me to make yesterday without impertinence. You see I am unaccompanied to-day." "Poor Jax!" laughed Susie. "I suspect," the Prince continued, "that I somehow offended you when I offered you the dog." "Oh, you perceived it, did you?" and she flashed an ironic glance upon him.

"Just the same, she was a beauty, Jax; slim, straight, full of fire a thoroughbred; and with a sense of humour, my dear, which you will find in not many women. Did you notice her cheeks, Jax, and her eyes? But of course not; you were very properly grovelling before her. And I owe you eternal gratitude, old boy; but for you, I'd have stalked past without seeing her.

But I have not said what I wished to say, which was that I hope you believe my offence was wholly unintentional and that you pardon me." "I am not vindictive," answered Sue, smiling at his earnest tone, "and therefore you are pardoned. But it seems unjust that Jax should suffer imprisonment." "Oh, he will get his outing, but with Glück, who is less absent-minded.

The Prince sat down, lighted a cigarette, and stared moodily out of the window, down upon the shifting crowd which still thronged the beach. His hand, hanging inert by his side, became suddenly the receptacle for a moist nose. "Ah, Jax; and did she pat you on the head, old boy?" he asked. "And are you properly proud?" Jax wiggled his remnant of a tail.

"Read it, then!" "'Lord Vernon will be deeply grateful," she read, "'if he is not mentioned in connection with to-day's adventure. To-day's adventure when he kicked Jax away from her. Can you doubt? Can you be so stupid as to doubt? These Americans they have no sense of honour!" He turned to the window without answering, but his face was drawn and white. Man's perfidy

Jax crawled up very humbly and Susie stooped and patted his head. "Poor Jax," she said. "It wasn't your fault, I know. I'm sure that little spaniel insulted you!" Jax licked her hand gratefully, and the Prince looked on with an admiration he did not attempt to conceal. "Would you like him?" he asked, eagerly. Susie started up with crimsoning cheeks.

Though I don't suppose that either I or the dog was in danger of being eaten," she added to Markeld, as the little old woman trotted tremulously away. "Your dog doesn't look especially ferocious." "Still, I beg a thousand pardons," repeated the Prince. "I should have kept my eye on him. Come here, Jax," he called, "and make your apologies to the ladies."

"Ah, Jax, old boy," he said, "it is unfair to leave you shut up here with only Glück for company. Like to come along?" Jax wriggled his delight. "And you'll behave yourself?" Jax promised as clearly as a dog could. "Very well, then," and the Prince went down the stair, with Jax, half-delirious with joy, behind him.

But to one in my profession, no fact is uninteresting; no occurrence is too trivial to be noticed." "Well, get on to your story, then," said the Prince, with some impatience. "Just after luncheon today, Your Highness walked on the beach," said Tellier, "accompanied by the dog yonder." Jax growled softly as he caught the Frenchman's eye, which pleased him no more than it had Glück.