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Il exercait cependant une charge, un veritable office de judicature, dont les attributions ne sont pas d'accord avec nos moeurs et dont le titre meme se traduit difficilement dans notre langue. 'Officiellement Reeve etait sous les ordres du secretaire du Conseil prive, et ces rapports de subordination avaient cree des relations intimes entre son superieur et lui.

It was the most splendid wedding I ever beheld. It lasted five days and nights. The men celebrated it in one house, and the women in another. We mustered several hundred in all. I was among the intimes, and was treated en famille. By my side throughout was Lady Ellenborough, looking like an oriental queen, and the charming young wife of our Italian Consul, whose dress was fresh from Italy.

Annis," he said impressively, "and to feel that another time, when he is less exhausted by the strain of a long day, he may have the privilege of explaining to you the details of the great Psychic Movement he is inaugurating." Mrs. Annis smiled on him graciously. "I am home every Sunday to my intimes," she murmured. "I should be so pleased." Bob bowed mechanically.

There are three actresses over there at that table with amis intimes; they are 'restin' now, and can cut about and dine out as much as they please. There is a French dressmaker who lives on the floor above and is to be found here every day. She is superbly built and is hopelessly ugly, isn't she?

These three little rooms are our "den," where we live, work and receive our intimes; and we leave the doors open, so that we may consult over our work. Look at our view! From the windows, looking landward, one may see an expanse of country extending over thirty or forty miles, the hills covered with foliage, through which peep trim villas.

The children of either sex, the object of her most tender solicitude, are taught at her expense. At every journey Madame honors them with a visit and encourages them with prizes which she condescends to distribute herself." In his Souvenirs Intimes the Count de Mesnard, First Equerry of the Duchess of Berry, writes:

In a little while the tutor of the young princes came in and took away his charges, and the company sat down to supper. It was one of Her Highness's little soupers intimes, which she gave each Thursday, and upon which Monsieur le Duc d'Orléans and his wild companions never intruded.

They could not, of course, articulate it, but the fact of the matter was not alone that Mrs. Jett. She was a little "too nice." Would flush at some of the innuendoes of the contes intimes, tales of no luster and dulled by soot, but in spite of an inner shrinkage would loop up her mouth to smile, because not to do so was to linger even more remotely outside the privileged rim of the wedding band.

The day after: "Enfin il y a bien peu de chose a faire a mes planches, et j'espere que dans un jour ce sera termine. "J'ai beaucoup de choses a te dire mais ce sera pour nos bonnes causeries intimes. Je voyagerai toute la nuit de vendredi afin d'arriver samedi dans la matinee.

[Footnote 34: See Welschinger: Le Divorce de Napoléon. Vandal: Napoléon et Alexandre Ier, Vol. II, Le second mariage de Napoléon. Correspondance de Marie Louise 1799-1847. Lettres intimes et inédites