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He seized the doughty champion by the feet just as he was disappearing in the tunnel, and hauled him out. "What in thunder All right, you go first, then. Quick! as more screams rent the still air. "Don't be a fool. You've been interruptin' the weddin' ceremonies." Muckluck had caught up with them, and Yagorsha was advancing leisurely across the snow.

The others followed, a pace or two behind. "You'll not mind my interruptin', Farmer," continued Young Zeb, "but 'tis time Ruby made her mind up, for Mister Pennyway won't take a stiver less. 'Mornin', Ruby, my dear." "And you'll forgive me if I also interrupt," put in the stranger, with the pleasantest smile, "but it is time I thanked the friend who saved my life on Monday morning.

"It's the truth at last, that I've been lyin' aboot these three lang years, thank the Lord!" "Jean, is it thankin' the Lord ye are, for lyin'?" "Ellen, ye mind whan ye broke ye'r leg an' lay in the south chamber that lang sax months?" "Aye, weel do I mind it." "Lat be wi' ye're interruptin' while I tell't. He came here." "Who came here?" "Richard the poor lad! He tell't me all aboot it.

Before they had got very far my grandpa said he'd seen slavery abolished and the time warn't far off when hard drink would be done away with. I was eyein' my pa close, for I knew he drank a beer now and then, and I wanted to see what he'd say. But he didn't say nothin'. He just looked calm, and as grandpa went right on talkin', it would have been interruptin' if my pa did say anything.

"'Scuse me, suh, fur interruptin'," repeated the voice belonging to the apparition, "but I couldn't he'p frum overhearin' whut you wuz tellin' the boys yere. An' I got sort of interested myse'f." "It's Judge Priest's Jeff, Uncle Dwight," explained the oldest nephew.

"Look here, Monody," sez I, interruptin', "this ain't no news. What are you gettin' at?" "You got friends there, ain't ya?" sez he. "I got one friend anyhow," sez I, "but as long as you've insisted on taggin' along after me, you'll see the place an' you'll see my friend; though I somehow doubt if you'll be invited in for a meal." "Is your friend a lady?" sez Monody.

"'Excuse me for interruptin' the mesmerism, says Nate, 'but the professor wants to see you. "They jumped and broke away. But it took more'n that to bring 'em down out of the clouds. They'd been flyin' a good sight higher than the old aeroplane had yet. "'Uncle Nathan, says Augustus, gettin' up and shakin' hands, 'I have the most wonderful news for you. It's hardly believable.

He drew forth pipe and tinder-box, hunted out the last few crumbs of tobacco at the bottom of his pocket, and lit up, still keeping his eyes on Roger as he smoked. A voice challenged far down the slope. He crawled to his master's side. "There's one thing we two never could abide, master dear, could we? and that was folks interruptin'."

If it's found, it'll be give to you, and if it isn't you ain't the first feller's been robbed. Besides, can't you smell? Don't you know that you're interruptin' the prettiest spread ever was seen at old Sobrante? Like chicken? Like roast pig? Like hot biscuit and plum sess? Then go wash your face, and make your folks fix up and come enjoy yourself.

The yellow horse blustered and squealed a little, and at last said that, if it was a horse-fly that had stung Muldoon, he would accept an apology. "You'll get it," said Muldoon, "in de sweet by-and-bye all de apology you've any use for. Excuse me interruptin' you, Mr. Rod, but I'm like Tweezy I've a Southern drawback in me hind legs."