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His voice was hard, almost angry, and she despised herself because the fierce sound of it made her suddenly afraid. "Do you know what a man said to me the other day," she went on with a cool insolence before which he became suddenly quiet. "Whom the gods destroy they first infatuate with an opera singer."

In the camp was one Percennius; formerly a busy leader in the embroilments of the theatre, and now a common soldier; a fellow of a petulant, declaiming tongue, and by inflaming parties in the playhouse, well qualified to excite and infatuate a crowd. This incendiary practised upon the ignorant and unwary, such as were solicitous what might prove their future usage, now Augustus was dead.

Every self-preserving instinct would have shrieked at such an infatuate immolation. At the adoption of the United States constitution, slavery was regarded as a fast waning system. This conviction was universal.

Sit by the side of the God, and remind him of this, and entreat him, Grasping his knees, if perchance it may please him to succour the Trojans, Granting them back on the galleys to trample the sons of Achaia, Scatter'd in dread, till they all have contentment enough of their Captain Yea, till Atreides himself, Agamemnon, the chief in dominion, Rues the infatuate pride that dishonour'd the best of Achaians."

She'd wilt like a rose in a window-box." "I'd take her into fairy-land," said Urquhart. "She should walk in the dawn. She wouldn't feel her feet." "She would if they were damp," said Vera, who could be as direct as you please. "If you think she's a wood nymph in a cage, you're very much mistaken. She's very domestic." "I know," said the infatuate, "that I touched her." Vera tossed her head.

Then Odysseus of many counsels answered him saying: 'Oh, that the gods, Eumaeus, may avenge the scorn wherewith these men deal insolently, and devise infatuate deeds in another's house, and have no place for shame! On such wise they spake one to another.

It is known how an ardently desired object pursued for a long period is apt to so monopolize and infatuate the mind as to totally vitiate and pervert the sense of discernment between right and wrong, both as to the legitimacy of the object and the means to be employed for its attainment.

"To infatuate a man is not the same thing as to build a state!" "And yet infatuated men make obedient lieutenants." They grew silent. In each there was much which was of its nature incomprehensible to the other and which, of necessity, must remain so. Slowly there came a different look upon the girl's face. Her eyes softened and were more wistful that he had ever thought they could be.

That thought prompted the test question if she were alive, how would he feel about bringing Rose home as daughter-in-law, as mother of her grandson ... the gift of gifts? If she were alive, could Rose herself have faced the conjunction? And to him she was still verily alive or had been, till his infatuate passion had blinded him to everything but one face, one form, one desire.

I often called on her, for her intrigues amused me, but I was wise enough not to meddle with them. She remained in Paris four months, and contrived to infatuate M. Ranchi, secretary of the Venetian Embassy, an amiable and learned man.