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If you ever come back, we will hang you to the nearest tree." "Good Heaven! Is it possible that my fellow-citizens are assassins incendiaries!" "Your answer, squire." "For mercy's sake, husband, do what they ask," interposed his wife, who had been an anxious listener in the adjoining room. "I must do it," groaned the squire, speaking the truth almost for the first time in forty-eight hours.

Yet, even in its debasement, a power must always be formidable, which yields to none in extent; which, from custom, if not from the steadfastness of its views, adhered faithfully to one system of policy; which possessed well-disciplined armies and consummate generals; which, where the sword failed, did not scruple to employ the dagger; and converted even its ambassadors into incendiaries and assassins.

Burton coughed, cleared his throat, smoothed his already immaculate beard, and began the carefully prepared speech over again: "I feel it to be my duty my painful duty to speak very seriously to you about your extraordinary behaviour in connecting yourself with a law-breakers and incendiaries and a persons of disreputable character.

Aylett is a model to his brother magistrates in his treatment of such nuisances," remarked another "His name is a terror to strollers, whether they be organ-grinders, pedlers, or incendiaries." Mrs. Aylett, excessively pale, applied her vinaigrette to her nose, and trembled yet more violently. "I believe he is very strict," she assented. "But I am really afraid those ladies will take cold!

Such a distinction, and such alliances, called the attention of those at the head of our Revolution; who, after attempting in vain to blow up hereditary thrones by the aid of sans-culotte incendiaries, seated sans-culottes upon thrones, that they might degrade what was not yet ripe for destruction. Charles Frederick, the reigning Elector of Baden, is now near fourscore years of age.

The plebs, reduced to utter misery by the disaster, began to murmur that mysterious people had been seen hurrying through the different quarters, kindling the fire and cumbering the work of help; these incendiaries must have been sent by some one in power by whom?

At eleven, I had seven thieves, two of whom had a record on the police blotter, and an "habitual liar"; at twelve, I had four burglars, three ordinary thieves, two arrested for drunkenness, three for assault, and three incendiaries; at thirteen, five burglars, one with a "record," as many thieves, one "drunk," five charged with assault and one with forgery; at fourteen, eleven thieves and housebreakers, six highway robbers, the gang on its unlucky day, perhaps, and ten arrested for fighting, not counting one who had assaulted a policeman, in a state of drunken frenzy.

He was a true Union man, but the opposition there was so strong that he was very quiet; he kept the American flag flying over his office, which was burned on that account a few nights later, as was supposed, by Southern sympathizing incendiaries. These were perilous times in Southern Indiana." "Yes! Yes!" said Col. Bush.

His secretary, Desaugiers the elder, is our real and confidential firebrand in the North, commissioned to keep burning those materials of combustion which Grouvelle and others of our incendiaries have lighted and illuminated in Holstein, Denmark, Sweden, and Norway. PARIS, October, 1805.

Old Lincoln, with his hireling hosts, Will never whip the South, Shouting the battle cry of freedom." All this is taking place while the Yankees are fully one thousand yards off. We can see every movement that is made, and we know that Sherman's incendiaries are already hacked. Sherman himself is a coward, and dares not try his strength with old Joe.