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Ah! here is happiness again! But it lasts but a short time, and the reaction is the same as before drooping eyes, languid eyelids, and a sigh. The curtain closed over this scene. "A charming child, Ianthe, but for your Fairy Gift, which is spoiling her." "I repeat to you we are no judges yet. Now for riches, Euphrosyne!"

"Eliza is still with us not here! but will be with me when the infinite malice of destiny forces me to depart. I am now but little inclined to contest this point. I certainly hate her with all my heart and soul. It is a sight which awakens an inexpressible sensation of disgust and horror, to see her caress my poor little Ianthe, in whom I may hereafter find the consolation of sympathy.

Joseph denounced Uriel privily to Dom Diego, who thundered at the heretic in his turn. "I give not my daughter to an ape," he retorted, when Uriel had expounded himself as usual. "Ianthe loves the ape; 'tis her concern," Uriel was stung into rejoining. "Nay, 'tis my concern. By Heaven, I'll grandsire no gorillas!" "Methinks in Porto thou wast an ape thyself," cried Uriel, raging.

It is true, for want of practice, they had many of them forgot their parts a little; but Betterton and my poor Ianthe outdo all the world. There is nothing more taking in the world with me than that play.

The brig had not long been deserted, and great was their satisfaction to find all sorts of things to eat on board biscuits, and even soft bread, though it was rather stale, and a box of eggs, and bacon and cheese, and even some cooked meat, and there were also melons, and oranges, and dried figs, and grapes, and other fruits, which showed that she had probably come from a warm country, where these fruits grew; indeed, they afterwards learned from some papers they found, that she was the Fair Ianthe, and was from the Mediterranean, homeward bound.

Aubrey being put to bed was seized with a most violent fever, and was often delirious; in these intervals he would call upon Lord Ruthven and upon Ianthe by some unaccountable combination he seemed to beg of his former companion to spare the being he loved. At other times he would imprecate maledictions upon his head, and curse him as her destroyer.

I compared the discolored body with the figure of Ianthe, as revealed in Queen Mab, but failed to see the beautifulness of death. "If you could only make him breathe, Professor," said an officer standing by. The dry skin of the embalmer broke into chalky dimples, and he grinned very much as a corpse might do: "Ah!" he said, "then there would be money made."

"I don't know why he loves me so much, he has seen me so little; but it began from the very first minute, I think, with both of us. He is such a nice shape." She laughed. Then she asked me if she was right in supposing all these contretemps we had had were the doing of Lady Ver. "You need not answer, dear," she said. "I know Ianthe.

And Uriel laid down his pistol and waited, for he yet loved the boy. And another time Joseph passed by with Ianthe. And Uriel waited. But the third time Joseph came alone. Gabriel's heart gave a great leap of exultation. He turned, took careful aim, and fired. The shot rang through the startled neighborhood, but Joseph fled in panic, uninjured, shouting.

"God bless my soul!" said Dom Diego, "am I dreaming still?" His sense of dream increased when Uriel went on to repeat the story of his excommunication. "And the ban is it still in force?" he interrupted. "It has not been removed," said Uriel sadly. The burly graybeard sprang to his feet. "And with such a brand upon thy brow thou didst dare speak to my daughter!" "Father!" cried Ianthe.