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The Padre's cordiality found full reflection in his visitors' faces as they wrung his hand. "It's been some hustle getting here," said Kars. "There wasn't a chance sending on word. We made the landing, and came right along up. Ha, Murray. Say, we're in luck."

"We have a cook stove out there." "Ain't that just lovely!" beamed Mrs. Daggett, squeezing the girl's slim hand in both her own. "Most folks wouldn't go to the trouble of doing anything so nice. No wonder they're hustling." "Mebbe they won't hustle so fast toward the end of the job," said Lois Daggett. "You'll find men-folks are always ready to take advantage of any kind of foolishness.

We'll get a room to-night an' dry out. An' to-morrow I'll hustle around to the stables, an' if I locate anything we can rent a shack an' have all winter to think about where we'll go next year." The winter proved much less exciting than the one spent in Carmel, and keenly as Saxon had appreciated the Carmel folk, she now appreciated them more keenly than ever.

Spencer was the most collected person present. He brushed aside Bower's acrimony as lightly as he had accepted Helen's embarrassed explanation. "This is not my hustle at all," he said. "Stampa heard that his adored sigñorina " "Stampa! Is that Stampa?" Bower's strident voice was hushed to a hoarse murmur. It reminded one of his hearers of a growling dog suddenly cowed by fear.

"Port watch! Hustle out bullies!" I went on deck with the watch, and mingled with them forward. No one in authority took any particular notice of me, and I was permitted to take hold with the others at the various tasks.

"After the rope corral we had to make this morning" his tone was mock explanatory "the ropes was all strewed round camp, and in the hustle I " "Pardon me," said a sonorous voice behind us, "do you happen to have seen Judge Henry?" It was the reverend gentleman in his meadow, come to the fence. As we turned round to him he spoke on, with much rotund authority in his eye.

It ought to be clear that we shall never get beauty of this kind, or of any absolute kind, in American writing until there is more beauty in American life. Amidst the vulgarities of signboards, cries of cheap newspapers, noisy hustle of trivial commercialism, and the flatness of standardized living, it is hard to feel spiritual qualities higher than optimism and reform.

If I get there some of these corporations that knocked me out afore will squeal you hear me! No, you don't spend no money on me. I wish you could git out and hustle, though. But you ain't no hustler, nohow. Want any drug laws passed?" Corkey must do the greater part of the talking. He sits beside the bed carrying an atmosphere of sympathy that the feverish lover needs.

"The <i>Americano</i> senor is a long distance from that road," said the native. "Can you guide me to it?" questioned the youth, eagerly. "I will pay you well for your services." At the mention of pay the native showed an increased interest. He was naturally a lazy fellow, but the promise of a Peruvian half dollar made him hustle to take Jack on his way.

"Do you want the coffee now, or with the pie?" asked the waiter. "Now," said Warham. "Coffee for the young lady, too?" Warham scowled at her. "Coffee?" he demanded. She did not answer; she did not hear. "Yes, she wants coffee," said Warham. "Hustle it!" "Yes, sir." And the waiter bustled away with a great deal of motion that created a deceptive impression of speed.