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I think we were about half-way up, when some one noticed an immense black bird, swinging in great circles, high in the air. Soon we smelled smoke, so hurried on. The first long rays of light began to streak the sky, and we knew we would have to hustle if we reached the summit by sunrise. The crowd was pretty well strung out down the side of the mountain. Keller and I were in the lead.

"Get off your uniform! Get into pajamas. Then I'll " Dave's jaws snapped together resolutely. He did not finish, just then, for he knew that Midshipman Dalzell could be very stubborn at times. "I'll have a light in a jiffy," whispered Dan "I brought back a candle with me." "You won't use it -not in here," retorted Dave. "The dark is light enough for you. Hustle into your pajamas."

We don't get any sleep till every piece of that cribbing is over at the annex, ready for business in the morning. Your sills are laid there's nothing in the way of starting those bins right up. This ain't an all-night job if we hustle it." The steamer was a big lake barge, with high bow and stern, and a long, low, cargo deck amidships that was piled squarely and high with yellow two-inch plank.

When he reached the second floor he asked to be allowed to return; he had forgotten something, he said. But the officers refused to let him go back, and began to hustle him forward. Then he besought them to let him return to his room again, and even offered them the money he had in his pocket.

"Then we'll hustle," declared the man, who appeared to be the captain of the little company. "Everybody who wants tew git to Sacramento City tew-night git a-goin'," he shouted.

"Hey, you, Feng!" Casey cried, to a white-aproned, grinning Chinaman, "you catch two ice drink quick hiyu ice, you savvy! Catch claret wine, catch cracker, catch cake. Missy hiyu dry, hiyu hungry. Get a hustle on you, now!" Feng, understanding perfectly the curious mixture of pidgin and Chinook, vanished soft-footed. They entered the living room of the bungalow.

"Seven thousand miles, three hundred miles an hour you can make the trip in a day twenty-four hours. This is Thursday; you'll be back here Saturday afternoon. Come, now, hustle out some blankets and food and books and things for me and Huck, and you can start right along. There ain't no occasion to fool around I want a smoke, and the quicker you fetch that pipe the better."

He sold all his interests in the camp for what they would bring and bought a pair of horses and a carriage. In groups and pairs his henchmen suddenly thrown over by their leader to hustle for themselves sneaked away from the town, many of them leaving immediately in their dread of the grim reign of law now come upon the camp.

I am out of business as a King, for good and all, and the sooner I cross the frontier, the better it will be for my health." "Honor bright, Alec?" "Every syllable. Now, get a hustle on!" There was a tap at the door, and a servant entered with a note for the King. It was from Constantine Beliani, and written in French.

Then Hen, still eavesdropping, listened to enough more to make sure that Dick & Co. were all of them free of their bonds, and that these enterprising Grammar School boys were actually discussing plans to rout the enemy from the log cabin. "Oh, I'll have to hustle back and tell this to Ripley's crew," chuckled Hen gleefully. "It'll amuse 'em."