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They belong to no club, play timidly, rarely make a parade of social irregularities, drink without enthusiasm, and never ruin themselves by horse-racing. In short, their general conduct is beyond all praise; and the life of dolls made to say "Papa!" and "Mama!" is equally irreproachable. One fine day they attain their twenty-fifth year.

Gorgo, pause, reflect. God preserve me from despair!" He bowed, hastily explained that his duties called him away, and left the spot. The amateurs of horse-racing who assembled in the Hippodrome could afford no clue to Dada's hiding-place, because she had not, in fact, run away with any gay young gallant.

Engine troubles, breakdowns, and other causes soon reduced the seventeen competitors to two only: Lieutenant Conneau, of the French Navy-who flew under the name of M. Beaumont and M. Vedrines. Neck to neck they flew if we may be allowed this horse-racing expression over all sorts of country, which was quite unknown to them.

I've heard that thousands of pounds are lost every year at card-playing and horse-racing. The money only changes hands, I know; but what good does it do? If a man can afford to part with a thousand pounds in such a way, how much better it would be for him and everybody else if he would expend it in furnishing a certain number of persons with the means to earn their own living.

A young gentleman, a great friend of mine, was not very many years ago, pretty much given up to fast living, cock-fighting, horse-racing, and many other little matters which all young fellows worth anything are pretty sure to indulge in, and which are very agreeable for the time, but which cost money, and are apt to bring a man into low society.

I might think differently if I had an estate with daughters to portion, sons to establish in life, a castle to build, a fine demesne to create, or even a gambling wife or horse-racing sons tugging at my purse strings. Whatever good and sufficient reasons may be found for skinning eels alive, nothing will ever reconcile the eels to it.

There was some horse-racing over at the Blank course one day last fall, and Butterwick attended to witness it. On his way home in the cars in the afternoon he encountered Rev. Dr. Dox, a clergyman who knows no more about horse-racing than a Pawnee knows about psychology.

The public mind of this day absolutely revolts at such brutality. Yet, less than a hundred years ago on the 24th of May, 1802, a Bill for the abolition of bull-baiting was lost in the House of Commons by sixty-four to fifty-one, Mr. Wyndham contending that horse-racing and hunting were more cruel than bull-baiting or prize-fighting!

Occupied in those exciting pursuits, men took but little heed of the more important political changes that were in progress. The eyes of the rabble were easily turned from the movements of the government by horse-racing, theatres, largesses. Yet already this diversion of ambition into new fields gave tokens of dangers to the state in future times.

Taffy, who had never in his life possessed more than a shilling, was staring at the gold piece in his hand, when the door opened, and Sir Harry's horse-racing friend came in to breakfast and nodded "Good-morning." "Pity you're leaving to-day," he said, as he took his seat at a table hard by them. "My revenge must wait," Sir Harry answered. It seemed a cold-blooded thing to be said so carelessly.