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"Gie her't upo' the nose," Donal shouted in terror, as he ran full speed to his aid, abusing Hornie in terms of fiercest vituperation. But he needed not have been so apprehensive. Gibbie heard and obeyed, and the next moment Hornie had turned tail and was fleeing back to the safety of the lawful meadow.

"Ye see what it is to be in love," said John Scott, the herd, who had stolen to the door unperceived and so had marked Ebie's discomfiture. "He disna ken the difference between Jess hersel' an' Hornie!" said the Cuif, who was repaying old scores. In a little while the cows were all milked. Saunders was standing at the end of the barn, looking down the long valley of the Grannoch water.

You may read it for yourselves, my dears, in the life of John Paul Jones. "Wae's me!" he said, with a heave of his big chest, "I reca' as yestreen the night Maxwell cam aboord. I tauld the captain 'twas a' the faut o' Maxwell. I ne'er cad bide the blellum. Dour an' din he was, wi' ae girn like th' auld hornie.

Then, as her eye ran over her son's uniform, for he was on leave at the time, she blazed forth, "A'll tell ye what A think o' him. A think that Auld Hornie has his hook intil him and the hale kaboodle o' them. They hae forsaken God and made tae themselves ither gods and the Almichty hae gi'en them ower tae a reprobate mind." But her Canadian Minister's economic positions satisfied her.

Andrew was so taken with the seated figure that he copied it in stone to hold up the font. "What's that for?" asked David when he saw it. "Are ye askin' Auld Hornie ben the kirk, man?" Andrew laughed and dusted his pointed brown fingers. "One of Pan's people, David. They will not stay away from us. If you sprinkle the threshold with holy water they come through the window."

This he brandished aloft once or twice, then starting at a steady trot, speedily circled the herd, and returned to his adopted master only to start again, however, and attack Hornie, whom he drove from the corn-side of the meadow right over to the other: she was already afraid of him.

There was a sweet coolness in the air, which he vaguely recognized by taking off his hat. "Open the yett!" cried Jess, from the byre door. Saunders heard the clank and jangle of the neck chains of Hornie and Specky and the rest, as they fell from their necks, loosened by Jess's hand.

They bigged a bower on yon burn-brae, And theekit it o'er wi' rashes." He lilted the air with indiscreet indifference to being heard within; and "Wheesh! man, wheesh!" expostulated Mungo. "If himsel' was to ken o' me colloguing wi' ye at the door at this 'oor o' the nicht, there wad be Auld Hornie to pay."

You may read it for yourselves, my dears, in the life of John Paul Jones. "Wae's me!" he said, with a heave of his big chest, "I reca' as yestreen the night Maxwell cam aboord. I tauld the captain 'twas a' the faut o' Maxwell. I ne'er cad bide the blellum. Dour an' din he was, wi' ae girn like th' auld hornie.

So now Geordie climbed nonchalantly to a seat over the old persecutor, crossed his stout, bare legs, filled an imaginary pipe, and rattled the three farthings in his pocket. "I'm 'Jinglin' Geordie' Heriot," he announced. "I'll show ye hoo a prood goldsmith ance smoked wi' a'." Then, jauntily: "Sandy, gie a crack to 'Bluidy' McKenzie's door an' daur the auld hornie to come oot."