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But with all this drawin' uv the wool ovah ole Hiram's eyes, Jeemes hain't succeedin' egzactly with the gal, an' he's cute 'nough to see whah the hitch is; so he uses his influence with her pap to belittle an' backbite the one she does favor. Mark my words, thet slick-tongued lawyer is et the bottom uv a lot o' this devilment."

But he certainly did desire to play first fiddle; he did desire to sit in full lawn sleeves among the peers of the realm; and he did desire, if the truth must out, to be called "My lord" by his reverend brethren. His hopes, however, were they innocent or sinful, were not fated to be realized, and Dr. Proudie was consecrated Bishop of Barchester. Hiram's Hospital According to Act of Parliament

Every day to the prince's palace in Pi- Bast came crowds of slaves and long rows of asses bearing wheat, barley, dried meat, woven stuffs, and wine. Phoenician merchants brought gold and precious stones under inspection of Hiram's assistants. In this manner the heir received in the course of five days the hundred talents promised.

But the other teams were far in the lead. Then Hiram's wagon entered upon a system of hairpin curves, and for nearly fifteen minutes none of her skinners was in sight. She continued to wonder at the unwonted speed of the skinners ahead of Hiram. Just as she reached the outmost point of a bow in the second hairpin curve, she heard a dull rumble behind her.

And then, you see, ef on Sunday she isn't there, you can go over to Watervliet, or we'll search them houses whichever you choose." There seemed no help for it but to take Hiram's advice. We drove homeward through the Shaker village, and drew up at the house again.

"In the back lot there where you see the yaller house where the chimney's smoking. That's Hiram's house. He has charge of the Gold property on the hill. Won't you come in and warm yourself by the fire in the kitchen? I was away to the next neighbor's, and I was sure I hear our bell a-ringin'. Did you hev' to ring long?"

The High Street of Barchester would have known of it, and the very bedesmen in Hiram's Hospital would have told among themselves the terrible discomfiture of the bishop and his lady. But Dr Tempest spoke no word of it to anybody.

"I have heard," said he, "that some people have explained to earth- tillers that during thy reign they are not to pay taxes." "Oh! ho!" cried Ramses, laughing. "Those 'some people' seem to me very like the worthy Herhor. Well, what is this; does he want to kill me with hunger? How can we meet current expenses?" "At Hiram's command the Phoenicians lend us," answered the treasurer.

"To all the servants round the fire, and at this time of night? I should think so indeed! But do you wait here, child. I know how it can be managed. "I will wake Hiram's Joseph. He sleeps in the stable yonder and then he will fetch his father. Ah! what impatience! What a stormy, passionate little heart it is!

Paula told the truth, and never, never told a lie, not even for Hiram's sake. An empty gold frame hung to her necklace and no gem at all. Whatever Orion may say, I saw it myself and cannot be mistaken, as truly as I hope to see you and my poor father in heaven!