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The confabulation was conducted throughout in the same foreign language which Levi had used when first speaking to them a language quite unintelligible to Hiram's ears. Now and then the murmur of talk would rise loud and harsh over some disputed point; now and then it would sink away to whispers.

The book is regarded as Trollope's masterpiece. I. Hiram's Hospital The Rev. Septimus Harding was a beneficed clergyman residing in the cathedral town of Barchester. Mr. Harding had married early in life, and was the father of two daughters. The elder, Susan, had been married some twelve years since to the Rev. Dr.

"You'll be gettin' my brother's gun when you get to Snowy Gulch," he explained, "and I may see game on the way out. And you keep this copy of the letter." He handed Ben the copy he had made of Hiram's will. "I'm the worst hand for losin' things you ever seen." "You're sure you've got the directions straight?" "Sure. And I guess that's all."

When he appeared in the dining-room door, his mother and Del were already seated. His mother, her white face a shade whiter, said: "I expect you'd better sit there." She neither pointed nor looked, but they understood that she meant Hiram's place. It was her formal announcement of her forgiveness and of her recognition of the new head of the family.

Sir Abraham didn't seem to think it so very strange." The archdeacon gave a sigh that would have moved a man-of-war. "But, papa, what did you say to Sir Abraham?" asked the lady. "I asked him, my dear, to explain John Hiram's will to me. He couldn't explain it in the only way which would have satisfied me, and so I resigned the wardenship."

"It's pretty bad business," commented Hiram, peering down into the pit with much apprehension. "It's apt to be worse before it's over with," returned the Colonel. And, catching a look in Hiram's eyes that seemed to hint at something, he called the showman aside. "I can't talk with my brother-in-law," he began. "He seems to get very impatient with me when we try to talk business.

Would some wakeful neighboring farmer, seeing it, know the danger that menaced and come to Hiram's help? For yards he had beaten flat the flames and stamped out every spark. Behind him was naught but rolling smoke. It was dark there. No flames were eating up the slope. But toward Darrell's tract the fire seemed on the increase. He could not catch up with it.

As he resolved these things in his mind a note was brought to him from Archdeacon Grantly, in which that divine begged his lordship to do him the honour of seeing him on the morrow would his lordship have the kindness to name the hour? Dr Grantly's proposed visit would have reference to the re-appointment of Mr Harding to the wardenship of Hiram's hospital.

The confabulation was conducted throughout in the same foreign language which Levi had used when first speaking to them a language quite unintelligible to Hiram's ears. Now and then the murmur of talk would rise loud and harsh over some disputed point; now and then it would sink away to whispers.

The then bishop as creditably declined to fill the vacancy till the affair was put on a better footing. Parliament then took it up, and we have now the satisfaction of informing our readers that Hiram's Hospital will be immediately reopened under new auspices. Heretofore, provision was made for the maintenance of twelve old men.