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"Tuts, tuts, I am not minding about a bit hime at a time from a friend, but it iss those Lowlanders meddling with everything I do not like, and I am hoping to hear you sing again, for it wass a fery pretty tune;" and the smith, passing along the road when Carmichael left that evening, heard Janet call him "my dear," and invoke a thousand blessings on his head.

Prince Toyonari, after some weeks, came home, and was told by his wife that his daughter Hime had done something wrong and had run away for fear of being punished. He was nearly ill with anxiety. Every one in the house told the same story that Hase-Hime had suddenly disappeared, none of them knew why or whither.

To speak for the smaller colonies appeared their respective prime ministers Mr Richard Seddon for New Zealand, Sir Gordon Sprigg for Cape Colony, Sir Albert Hime for Natal, and Sir Robert Bond for Newfoundland. Sir Wilfrid Laurier represented Canada. He was accompanied by Mr Fielding, Sir Frederick Borden, Sir William Mulock, and Mr Paterson.

He is nice fellow? I no meeting hime?" "The best fellow that ever lived, God bless him!" exclaimed the young man, enthusiastically. "He has the temperament of genius, and he isn't always there when you want him I mean, he isn't always in the right mood; but he's a splendid specimen of a man, and the most likeable fellow I ever knew poor fellow!" "Why you say 'poor fel-low'? He is no happy, no?"

What was her game?" Mr. Wingate stopped and roared a greeting to Captain Hiram Baker, who was passing the open door of the waiting room. "Hello, there, Hime!" he shouted. "Come up in here! What, are you too proud to speak to common folks?" Captain Hiram entered. "Hello!" he said. "You look like a busy gang, for sure. What you doin' seatin' chairs?"

Taking off his spectacles, wiping them carefully, he put them on his nose again, gazed at the book in consternation: "Well," said he, "I never seed that hime in this yer hime-book before; but the Lord put it in, and we'll sing it whir or no," and proceeded: "'The preacher kissed the cobbler's wife, pop goes the weasel."

The name of this Japanese heroine was Okinaga Tarashi himé, but she is best known under the title of Jingu, or "warlike deed." The character given her in tradition is an attractive one, combining beauty, piety, intelligence, energy, and valor.

"My conscience wass sometimes better than the Bible, Flora, and if God will be sending a hime to bind up your heart when it wass broken, it iss your father that will be wanting to sing that hime. "It iss here," continued Lachlan in triumph, "for I hef often been reading that hime, and I am not seeing much wrong in it."

Few escaped his mimicry, and nothing was too sacred for his wit. When Nimbus first came in sight, he was convulsing his hearers by imitating a well-known colored minister of the county, giving out a hymn in the most pompous manner. "De congregashun will now rise an' sing, ef yer please, the free hundred an' ferty-ferd hime."

"Well, home is the best place for him," muttered the Cap'n; "home and a flaxseed poultice on his chist and complete rest of mind and body. Now I'll settle for that schooner, hunt up Hime Look and that pertickler and admirin' friend of his, that infernal elephant, and then I reckon I'll eraow-w-w!" he yawned. "I'll go home and rest up a little, too."