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"They parted in September with what vows it hardly matters now and the boy went into Gatinais, to win his spurs under the old Vidame de Soyecourt. And presently oh, a good while before Christmas! came the news that Dorothy la Desiree had married rich Heitman Michael." "But that is what I am called! And as you know, there is a Heitman Michael who is always plaguing me.

"If Messire de Nerac, for example, could have matters explained to him, and could manage to visit me tomorrow, I am sure we could carry through this amiable imposture without any annoyance whatever to Heitman Michael," says Jurgen, smoothly. "Nerac will come then," says the Countess. "And you may give him the money, precisely as though it were for him." "But certainly, madame.

James Heitman looked at Eileen and winked. "You just bet, old girl!" he said. "They ain't any of them can beat you, not even Eileen at her best. Let's get her out of here. Does this represent your luggage, girlie?" "You said not to bother with anything else," said Eileen. "So I did," said Uncle Jim, "and I meant just what I said if it's all right with you.

She can boast of no temples, and no priests cry to her anywhere, because she is the only deity whom no prayers can move or any sacrifices placate. I allude, sir, to the eldest daughter of Nox and Erebus." "You speak of death, I take it." "Your apprehension, Heitman, is nimble. Even so, it is not quick enough, I fear, to forerun the whims of goddesses.

"Heitman," says Jurgen, "the bereavement which you threaten is very happily spared me, since, as it happens, the next dance is to be mine." "We can but leave it to the lady," says Heitman Michael, laughing. "Not I," says Jurgen. "For I know too well what would come of that. I intend to leave my destiny to no one." "Your conduct, Master Jurgen, is somewhat strange," observed Heitman Michael.

It is bitter to recall the sweetness of those vows which proclaimed her mine eternally, vows that were broken in their making by prolonged and unforgotten kisses. We used to laugh at Heitman Michael then; we used to laugh at everything. Thus for a while, for a whole summer, we were as brave and comely and clean a pair of sweethearts as the world has known.

"Am I speaking with Mr. James Heitman?" she asked. "Yes," came the answer. "Well, Uncle Jim, this is Eileen." "Why, hello, girlie," was the quick response. "Delighted that you're calling your ancient uncle. Haven't changed the decision in the last letter I had from you, have you?" "Yes," said Eileen, "I have changed it. Do you and Aunt Caroline still want me, Uncle Jim?"

Her husband turned toward her. He opened his lips to introduce Eileen. His wife forestalled him. "So this is the Eileen you have been ravin' about for years," she said. "I thought you said she was a pretty girl." Eileen's soul knew one sick instant of recoil. She looked from James Heitman to Caroline, his wife, and remembered that he had a habit of calling her "Callie."

But certainly she got the name of deceiving Heitman Michael with two young men, or with five young men it might be, but never with a respectable pawnbroker." "I think that is an exceedingly cynical and stupid story," observed the girl. "And so I shall be off to look for Jurgen.

"American Negro Slavery," U. B. Phillips. New York, Appleton, 1918, pp. 171-2. "History of the United States," James F. Rhoades. New York, Macmillan, 1906, vol. I, p. 87. "Personal Memoirs," U. S. Grant. New York, Century, 1895, vol. "Personal Memoirs," U. S. Grant. New York, Century, 1895, vol. I, pp. 115 and 32. "Historical Register of the United States Army," F. B. Heitman. Washington, Govt.