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Turn it round about, and you get a precious truth money is time. I think of it on these dark, mist-blinded mornings, as I come down to find a glorious fire crackling and leaping in my study. Suppose I were so poor that I could not afford that heartsome blaze, how different the whole day would be!

Gladly Hilda flew up to her room for the broad-leaved hat with the daisy-wreath; and then, taking the wide, shallow basket which Dame Hartley handed her, she fairly danced out of the door, over the bit of green, and into the garden. Ah! the sweet, heartsome country garden that this was, the very thought of it is a rest and a pleasure.

He never went down to Wheeling with the crops without bringing something back for the room, stinting himself to do it. Her brother had had the habit, too, since he was a boy, of bringing everything pretty or pleasant he found to his sister; he had a fancy that he was making her life bigger and more heartsome by it, and would have it all right after a while.

Placid, pious, and cheerful, with a quiet but kind heart, that ever and anon displayed its workings in the sweet light of her eyes, or in the "heartsome" smile that arranged her still lovely features into the symmetry of benevolence; in adversity for she had lost children, and had known sickness in adversity, patient and resigned; in prosperity for their flocks had flourished, and many of their harvests had been abundant in prosperity, not too much elated, but happy with a calm and grateful joy; finally, possessed of a gentle and forbearing nature, which rendered innocuous the occasional sternness or irritability of her husband, and turned insensibly aside the shafts which might have otherwise struck deadly at their domestic peace: such was the partner of the joys and the sharer of the sorrows of David Riddell for above a quarter-of-a-century.

And above all and swamping all the endless talk of a busy, heartsome farm-town! Ah, how good it was. Even the little god in the "ben" room, Master Duncan Maitland MacAlpine, had times and seasons without a worshipper, all because there was a young farmer's son in the kitchen telling of his experiences "among the hills," with the gaugers behind them, and the morn breaking fast ahead.

Cackling hens always bring me back to the pleasant days of childhood, and I was just enjoying a real heartsome visit to the old home at Delmer... and was chasing Willie Fewster around a straw-stack... when the farmer's dog, an interfering, vicious-looking brute, came peering through the woods and gave us heart spasms, barking at us for a few minutes.

But when he came, my fears were set at rest. He is an honest, God fearing lad, my Sandy, and I need say nae mair about him." "And so clever, and handsome! And what did Mr Snow say?" "Oh! his heart was carried captive, from the very first, with Sandy's heartsome, kindly ways. It made me laugh to myself, many a time, to see them together, and it made me greet whiles, as well.

Why, the very low glow of the fire upon the hearth tells me something of recompense coming in the hereafter, Christmas-days, and heartsome warmth; in these bare hills trampled down by armed men, the yellow clay is quick with pulsing fibres, hints of the great heart of life and love throbbing within; slanted sunlight would show me, in these sullen smoke-clouds from the camp, walls of amethyst and jasper, outer ramparts of the Promised Land.

The anxiety was burning her heart away; it would be burnt as dry as ashes soon. And she had been born a woman a weak woman a thing meant to sit at home with her foot on the treadle of her poor little wheel, while dear lives were risked and lost elsewhere. Rotha was a changed being. She was no longer the heartsome lassie who had taken captive the stoical fancy of old Angus.

Whose fault is that? Deeper than slavery the evil lies. Mr. Oliver did his duty well to the boy, being an observant and thoroughly kind master. The plantation was large, heartsome, faced the sun, swarmed with little black urchins, with plenty to eat, and nothing to do.