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"Come up, then, and tell us all about it," exclaimed Mr Twigg, who the next instant was shaking hands with the stranger, while Martin took charge of Tom Yam. Mr Twigg introduced the new arrival. Mr Hayward, sitting down, tossed off a glass or two of Madeira, for he required some stimulant before he could speak. "I bring you dreadful news," he said.

Hayward had run to fat during the last two or three years it was five years since Philip first met him in Heidelberg and he was prematurely bald. He was very sensitive about it and wore his hair long to conceal the unsightly patch on the crown of his head. His only consolation was that his brow was now very noble.

Wild looked after him from the start. We buried him in his bag at 9 o'clock at the following position: Ereb. 184° Obs. Hill 149°. We made a cross of bamboos, and built a mound and cairn, with particulars. After that got under way with Hayward on sledge. Found going very hard, as we had a northerly wind in our faces, with a temperature below 20°. What with frost-bites, etc., we are all suffering.

Margaret Zane Cherdron was a delegate and a presidential elector, carrying the vote to Washington. She was one of the two received by President Taft and was royally entertained while in the capital. Among other women who have acted as delegates and alternates since 1900 are Mrs. William H. Jones, Mrs. Hayward, Mrs. Sarah Ventrees, Mrs. Gates, Mrs. Lucy A. Clark, Mrs. B. T. Pyper, Mrs.

Such may be the fate of any one of us!" Miss Pemberton looked sad as he spoke. "You are now convinced, Mr Thompson, that there is something in the report we heard," observed Mr Ferris to the overseer, "and that we were not foolishly alarmed?" "How soon do you think that the band of rebel blacks can reach Bellevue, should they come in this direction?" asked the major of Mr Hayward.

He arrested Tom Hayward, a chunk of a boy, that was scared most fitified and never resisted more'n a mouse. Cody, who was half drunk his-self, handcuffed Tom, quarreled with him, and shot the boy dead while the handcuffs was on him! Tom's relations sued Cody in the County Court, but he carried the case to the Federal Court, and they were too poor to follow it up.

The different makers of soil pipe generally used by plumbers hereabouts are: Mott & Company, Abendroth, Blakslee, Dighton, Phillips & Weeden, and Bartlett, Hayward & Co. On 4" extra heavy pipe my results have been as follows: Percentage passed as good, single hub. 60 per ct. to 70 per ct. Percentage passed as good, double. 20 per ct. to 80 per ct.

They ran round to try and find an entrance by one of the windows or back door, but the shutters were all closed. At length Mr Hayward and Reggy came up, but they were not more successful in making the inmates hear when they knocked and shouted at the front door. Harry proposed climbing up and dropping down through the opening in the roof.

"What are you going as?" asked Philip. "Oh, in the Dorset Yeomanry. I'm going as a trooper." Philip had known Hayward for eight years. The youthful intimacy which had come from Philip's enthusiastic admiration for the man who could tell him of art and literature had long since vanished; but habit had taken its place; and when Hayward was in London they saw one another once or twice a week.

It is said that the calm pluck of Hayward touched even his murderers, callous as they are to bloodshed It makes a sensational picture: a solitary figure in the foreground standing alone on the edge of a pine wood high up in the lonely grandeur of the everlasting hills, the first flush of dawn reddening the snow on peak after peak, changing the pure white to pink, the cold blue to purple, the tumbled sea of mountain summits gradually growing in distinctness, the soft mist rising from the valleys, and the group of wild figures standing within the shade of the pines.