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Suddenly a strange inarticulate murmur spread through the crowd, a vague whisper of no one knew what. Something had happened. Somebody was coming. A second later and one of the outskirts of the throng was agitated, and a convulsive cheer went up from it, and was taken up infectiously all along the street. The crowd parted a hansom dashed through the centre. "Grodman!

In this room Valentine could hear the vague traffic of the dim street outside, the dull tumult of an omnibus, the furtive, flashing clamour of a hansom, the cry of an occasional newsboy, explanatory of the crimes and tragedies of the passing hour.

In an instant Rowley had dexterously jumped out on to the pavement; the occupant of the other hansom, whose wheel was locked into theirs, obeying the same instinct, had done the same. "Why, if ain't Teddy Vere. Oh my!" ejaculated one feminine voice shrilly, while from under a red parasol, still open, another groaned, "Rowley! it can't be! Oh, what will become of me?"

It may be a mistake probably is. Or say that I was kidding you." "That won't do, George. You've said both too much and too little. Cab there!" he called, and a hansom drew up to the curb. "You'll excuse me, Thorp a family affair." He motioned to the boy to enter; he obeyed, sulkily enough, and they drove off. The Opal Button

He blundered past the doorman. Lewis caught a glimpse of a tawdry woman peering out from a hansom at the disappearing man. "Thank Gawd!" he heard her say as the cab drove off. With one hand on the wall the man guided himself toward the stairs at the end of the hall. On the first step he stumbled and would have fallen had it not been for a quick footman.

I do not care what the police think, I want to know what you think." But Sir Andrew rose reluctantly from his chair. "I should like nothing better than to discuss this," he said. "But it is most important that I proceed to the House. I should have been there some time ago." He turned toward the servant and directed him to call a hansom.

Drake summed up his impressions as his hansom turned into the Bayswater Road. The day was just beginning to break; the stems of the trees bordering the park were black bars against the pure, colourless light, and their mingling foliage a frayed black ribbon stretched across the sky. One might have conceived the picture the original of a black and white drawing by a pre-Raphaelite artist.

"What do you think of it?" "My dear fellow, I haven't heard the end, so I will reserve my opinion. When will you give me the sequel?" "Come to my rooms some evening; say next Thursday. Here's the address. Good-night; I want to get down to the Strand." Dyson hailed a passing hansom, and Salisbury turned northward to walk home to his lodgings. Mr.

"Drive up Fifth Avenue to the Park," said Craig, seating himself beside her. "Now, please don't cry," he said to her. "Cry?" she exclaimed. Her dry, burning eyes blazed at him. "Your eyes were so bright," laughed he, "that I thought they were full of tears." "If you are a gentleman you will leave this hansom at once." "Don't talk nonsense," said he. "You know perfectly well I'll not leave.

Tabby and the Deserted Cats' Fund. But not a sign of the good creature! At this moment a hansom cab rattled up, and a gentleman got out and rang our front-door bell. As he got out of the cab, I jumped down from the railings, and rubbed against his legs he had very long legs.