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When I met my friend Hambledon in secret at two o'clock that day under the trees at a spot in the Retiro, not far from the great Plaza de la Independencia, we sat down and I described to him my strange midnight adventure.

They said they were very sorry, but that they owed it to their families not to be fool-hardy. We found ourselves short of water at Hambledon Lock; so we took our jar and went up to the lock-keeper's house to beg for some. George was our spokesman. He put on a winning smile, and said: "Oh, please could you spare us a little water?"

Hitherto I had been quick, alert, and full of the enjoyment of living. At Rivermead Mansions Harry Hambledon and I had prided ourselves on our post-war alertness. Where was Harry? What was he doing? Would he be wondering why I was absent from our riparian bachelor home? I was reflecting upon all this when suddenly, without any apparent cause, I once more lost consciousness.

Wallace is a Scot, and acted in Scotland as Gilbert Hambledon would have done in England, were it possible for any vile foreigner to there put his foot upon the neck of a countryman of mine. Wherever you have concealed your husband, let it be a distant asylum. At present no tract within the jurisdiction of Lanark will be left unsearched by the governor's indefatigable revenge."

Arnuf quarreled with me there, on the same subject; and I immediately retired in disgust to England." "Then how? you ought to be Sir Gilbert Hambledon?" replied Edwin; "but whoever you are, as you were kind to the Lady Marion, I cannot but regret my late hasty charge; and for which I beseech your pardon." Montgomery took his hand, and pressed it.

If he had been found in De Gex's room at the Ritz one could have understood it." I smiled. The Chief of Police never suspected the true facts of the case, facts within my own knowledge, which were of such an amazing and startling character that I hesitated to relate them. When I left my friend I again sought Hambledon and told him all I had learnt. "H'm!" he grunted.

It was feared lest this alteration would shorten the game too much, but it does not seem to have had that effect, as in an All England match against the Hambledon Club, two years later, one Aylward scored 167 runs, and stayed in two whole days. England owes much to the old Club at Hambledon for the improvements which it wrought in the game, which has become our great national pastime.

When I showed it to Hambledon, he remarked: "At least you've been the means not only of putting an end to Despujol's ignoble career, but also of restoring a quantity of very valuable property to its owners." "True, but it brings us no nearer a solution of the affair at Stretton Street," was my reply. Gabrielle's mother had returned to London, and that evening I called upon her by appointment.

Moreover, the Trust is waging a battle with the District Council of Hambledon in order to prevent the Hindhead Commons from being disfigured by digging for stone for mending roads, causing unsightliness and the sad disfiguring of the commons. May it succeed in its praiseworthy endeavour.

Not even in her interchange of amenities with Mrs. Hambledon, had Molly seen her display so much indignation. "You want me to believe he is mad, I suppose?" she snapped, at last. "Dear me! No, no, no!" responded the other, in his airy way. "I did not mean to go so far as that; but well, there are very painful matters, and hitherto I have avoided all discussion upon them, even with Sophia.