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Were we prepared, in peacetime, to keep on moving toward full realization of the democratic promise? Or would we let it be submerged, wiped out, in post-war riots and reaction, as after World War I? We answered these questions in a series of forward steps at every level of government and in many spheres of private life.

FERENCZI, Dr., his statistics of sickness in Budapest Fezzan Fichte, and Germany Financial and economic clauses of peace treaty Finland Fiume, Italy's position regarding question of the London Agreement and Wilson and Foch, Marshal, and the military commission and the peace treaties unconstitutional action of France, acquires Saar mines alliances with and the indemnity and the old regime in Russia claims of, at Paris Conference, expenses of her navy financial position of iron industry of Italy and population of post-war army of post-war condition of presses for occupation of the Ruhr pre-war status of private wealth of, before the war purport of her action in the Conference recognizes government of Wrangel safety of, and military guarantees the political class in treaties with U.S. and Great Britain war record of Franco-Prussian War, the indemnity demanded by victors unjust terms of Prussia Frankfort, Treaty of, compared with Versailles Treaty Frederick the Great, political genius of Freedom of the seas, the peace treaties and French-American Treaty, the French-English Treaty, the French territories, liberation Frontiers, changed condition of

Fifth, protection of a fair level of return to farmers in post-war agriculture. The year just past like the year after the first World War was marred by labor management strife. Despite this outbreak of economic warfare in 1946, we are today producing goods and services in record volume.

Hoare's Scheme described and analysed The Position of the Rentier Estimates of the Post-War Debt The Compulsory Loan Proposal What Advantages has it over a Levy on Capital? The Argument from Social Justice Questions still to be answered The Choice between a Levy and Stiff Taxation Are we still a Creditor Nation? Our Debt not a Hopeless Problem Suggestions for solving it.

Where post-war chaos existed in industrialized nations, as in Western Europe, the local Stalinists tried to gain power through political processes, politically-inspired strikes, and every available means for subverting free institutions to their evil ends.

Eight years ago, the Kremlin thought post-war collapse in Western Europe and Japan with economic dislocation in America might give them the signal to advance. We demonstrated they were wrong.

The amount of the fiduciary issue is a matter that the Committee leaves open to be determined after experience of post-war conditions. It is not proposed at present to secure the circulation of paper instead of gold by legislation. The Committee considers that "informal action on the part of the banks may be expected to accomplish all that is required."

Were we prepared, in peacetime, to keep on moving toward full realization of the democratic promise? Or would we let it be submerged, wiped out, in post-war riots and reaction, as after World War I? We answered these questions in a series of forward steps at every level of government and in many spheres of private life.

Will organised labour, an ancient sore on the British body, rise up and complicate these well-laid schemes for economic expansion? As with the question of practicability of the Paris Pact, there is a wide difference of opinion. On one hand, you find the air full of the menace of post-war unemployment and the problem of replacing the woman worker by the man who went away to fight.

The author adds, "Need I tell you who said this? or give you the whole of the colloquy to which it furnished the epilogue?" Talpa was published sixty-seven years ago, but it contains much that might well be taken to heart by our post-war amateur agricultural reconstructionists.

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