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She sorrowed as she might have done for the loss of a very dear brother; while added to that was a half-remorseful feeling which reason could not control or entirely relieve; and it was long ere she was quite her own bright, gladsome sunny self again. The bloom of opening flowers' unsullied beauty Softness and sweetest innocence she wears, And looks like nature in the world's first spring.

The priest still hesitated, but her eyes would not release him till he whispered, "Absolvo te, my daughter, and God bless you!" And releasing her hands, he bowed formally to Paul and hurried down the broad stone steps and through the gate. Opal watched him, a smile, half-remorseful and half-triumphant, upon her face. "What does it all mean?" asked Paul as he laid his hand upon her arm.

"How the Devil did you know that?" he muttered, with an expression half-remorseful, half-amazed; but I was satisfied, and said no more. Of course, this went to Robert, waiting far away there in a lonely home, waiting, working, hoping for his Lucy.

With such an opportunity with the field clear and the woman half-remorseful over her treachery, half-indignant at the man who had shown himself so weak and spiritless a cleverer or a less vain man than Danvers would have triumphed easily. And for the first week he did make progress.

Katherine hesitated; she did not like to say in so many words that she had refused him, a curious, half-remorseful feeling made her especially considerate towards him. "I do not like to speak of Lord de Burgh," she said at length. "When does he return? "I do not know. I know nothing of his plans." "Then you sent him empty away?" said Errington, smiling.

With a half-remorseful feeling that she had so long left it unnoticed, she broke the seal of Percy's letter. But the first words on which her eyes lighted sent a pang to her heart, and as she heard Hannah's heavy step returning, she thrust the letter hurriedly out of sight.

He thought that I was helpless, because he saw me lonely and poor; but are not the armies of Heaven for the like of me? 'Come, come, said he, half-remorseful, but not one whit afraid. 'Here's a crown to buy thee another dog. Take it, and leave off cursing! I care none for thy threats.

She had only to say to herself, "This little man is adorable in friendship; I wonder what he would be like in love," and she saw that he would be something, though not altogether, like Paul Emanuel. She had only to feel a pang of half-remorseful, half-humorous affection for him, and she knew what Lucy felt like in her love-sick agony.

Di's peculiarities were out in full force, and she looked as if she would go off like a torpedo, at a touch; but through all her moods there was a half-triumphant, half-remorseful expression in the glance she fixed on John. And Laura, once so silent, now sang like a blackbird, as she flitted to and fro; but her fitful song was always, "Philip, my king."

I told you so. 'But what do you know of him? he persisted. 'No good! she said quickly, going back to her work. Then a light broke upon her, and she turned on her stool, her two hands on her knees. 'Tiens! you are thinking of your sister. You have had news of her? A conscious half-remorseful look rose into her face. 'No, I have had no news. I ought to have had a letter.